What is your opinion on being Flexitarian?!

Question: What is your opinion on being Flexitarian?
My friend and I wear talking about all the sorts of vegan, vegetarian, and semi-vegetarian diets. We talked about people who call themselves flexitarians and she was saying how horrible they were... I mean, shouldn't you appreciate that they're not full on meat eaters? I guess I understand her ideology but it just seems... idk. I am offended by people say they're veg and then eat fish. That's like wtf?

Anyways, I was just wondering what you guys though?


Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

I find "flexatarian" to be an awkward term. It has no real meaning, and people seem to use it in order to gain some type of label. When you think about the term it can mean anything from a person that limits meat to a few times a year, someone who makes exceptions and eats meat at certain occasions or holidays, to someone who simply limits their meat consumption(but this can be anything from once a day to once a year), and have even heard it describe someone who limits meat to only one type(chicken, pork, etc).

I understand why people would use the term, as it is human nature to need to be a part of a group. However, I do think the term is silly, it is pointless to use a term that no one will understand. However, to each his own. If someone really needs a label to define themselves than who am I to stop them. The only time it would bother me is if they described themselves/flexatarian as a person that is vegetarian that eats meat.

Eating meat only once in a while is surely better than how most people eat. Most people eat meat everyday. At least they care a little but, rather than being completely oblivious to the issue. If they're so horrible for at least trying to help a little, then what is the rest of the population? I guess she may think that they are aware of the issue, so they are horrible for still continuing to eat it a little bit, while other people may get off more lightly because they don't know anything about the industries. I still think it's helps a little.

No I didn't mean completely oblivious like they didn't know anything at all about it. I guess I used the wrong word. I meant that they disregard it even if they know about it, but still, a lot of people don't know where their meat comes from.

i don't think it's horrible or anything but i don't get the concept fully. i say that i'm veg*n it's because i want them to know what i do eat and why i wont be eating chicken and such. i don't understand if someone says they don't eat a lot of meat because if someone offers a veg*an some meat that they says is amazing and a that they must try they will refuse it but what does a flexatarian say? what is the definition of a lot of meat and compared to what? will they be offend at the offer of a beef burger but not at a chicken salad? i'm not trying to belittle what there doing but or anything. i'm just saying that it confuses me because it seems like veg*nism with exceptions.
But i want to be clear, if that's what someone wants do do, go for it.

if your a flexitarian good for you, vegan/ vegetarian, good for you, blablagoaknkamkdfkjdjat-atairan good for you

everyone seems to do thing just for the label, don't be a whatever-atarian for the cool name, do it for a reason weather it be health or protesting the mistreatment of animals.

lifes short-- dont just do stuff for the label

Semi-vegetarian? You're either a vegetarian, or you're not..

To each his own, I say.

maybe they just don't know all of the terms?

First, I had to ask my self: What is a flexatarian? I was delighted to find that it is a modified vegetarian diet for people who want to limit meat intake while not eliminating it entirely.

"The whole idea of the flexitarian advantage is that, hopefully, it will encourage people to eat more vegetables," ... I personally feel that flexatarians are people who want to improve their diets but not necessarily to the extreme of vegetarianism.

Also, it is difficult for some people to make a complete transformation to vegetarianism. So if they are not able to make the transition, they can at least feel comfortable with the mid point. They are however, probably eating more vegetables, fruits and whole grains. I know I have increased my intake of healthier foods. Vegetarianism kinda makes you think healthier therefore making healthier food choices.

I personally like the definition, because that is where I fit in. I like all the food in the food groups including meat. However I am not a heavy meat eater and I believe we can eat and enjoy all foods in moderation. I also like being able to adapt to any dining situation.

What I mean by that is that if I was a guest in someone's home, I would not make them uncomfortable at meal time if they served meat. Especially if they had no knowledge of my meal preferences.

I think the most important thing to consider with diet is eating whole healthy foods. Foods including fish, fowl or meat can be healthy if treated with respect. Lastly, there are many types of people with a variety of eating habits. In my view, none are bad and all should be respected for who they are.

Jesus made an inference when he said it's more important what you think and say rather than what you eat.

You are the one that is completely oblivious veronica. People know where meat comes from, they think its ok to kill and eat animals. Its called a different opinion as big beaver stated.

Many animals are killed to plant, harvest, and transport the produce vegans eat. Trillions of insects are killed every year from pesticides sprayed on plants. Millions of animals are killed every year from tractors and combines planting and harvesting produce. Warehouses kill millions of mice and rats every year to keep them from the produce. Countless animals are killed clearing land to plant more produce.

Vegans like to pick and choose whats right and wrong to fit their lifestyle!

Its ok for all of the deaths for a vegans food, but if I go out and kill a deer for food I'm a murderer. Or if someone eats meat they are completely oblivious. Ha

Veronica you are way off. Just because someone eats meat everyday doesn't mean they are (completely oblivious) as you put it. They just have a different opinion than you. Get off your high horse.

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