Want to go vegan, but should I wait until I'm older?!

Question: Want to go vegan, but should I wait until I'm older?
Hello, I've been vegetarian for most of life. I chose to go veggie when I was 3, because even then I was able to see that the torture of animals for our own purposes is wrong. I recently went vegan and was successful in that for a few months, however I began to lose a lot of weight and was always tired and getting sick. I'm only 15, so my family (including my vegan uncle) all told me I should wait until I was older. But, I can't stand the thought of cows being mistreated for the dairy products I'm eating/drinking and I don't trust the "organic" dairy products sold at stores. Now, I know you can be an extremely healthy vegan, I just don't have the resources for it. My mom doesn't have the $$ to buy me expensive supplements and vegan sh*t and even when I get a job this summer, I'm not sure I'll be able to support my own vegan diet with the $ I make. I've thought of going to a local dairy farm, but the only one is like 3 hours away and I wouldn't make my mom drive that far to buy me milk haha. As for my question(s); In your opinion, is it wrong to try to ignore the horrible conditions of the poor cows for a couple years (maybe just one) so I can have a "healthy" diet? Or would you not care and stick to you guns? Anyone know any truly safe, organic dairy brands? How can i be a healthy vegan in the future? To be honest, I'm not very well educated on the overall vegan diet and what you should eat, what vitamins you should eat more of than you would if you were omnivorous, etc. So, that would be helpful as well.
-thank you so much
P.S. Please don't send me that "no such thing as vegan" bullsh*t. I've seen it, and fyi, all of those products are avoidable if you live a organic, vegan lifestyle.


Try following the vegan food pyramid... http://www.chooseveg.com/vegan-food-pyra…
Anyone can be a vegan at any age. You just have to follow the diet properly and find sources of the nutrients you need. Just look at this man on youtube http://www.youtube.com/user/TheFruitaria… he is a fruitarian and runs 100-200 miles a week on average. If you still want to be vegan, I think you should definitely give it another shot. Just be more cautious about the foods you're eating. Educate yourself about the diet (internet is a fabulous source). Try looking through these websites:

Vegans tend to be low in iron, so try taking an iron supplement. I hope that helps:)

being tired all the time is a sign of diabetes. watch the sugar. all carbohydrates, including vegetables, turn into sugar. eat small balanced meals at regular times. humans are meat eaters.

well you should wait till you are older because if you want 2 lose wait it is good

well you cant live off of just vegetables if you aren't eating meat you need other things to replace it like green beans,beans,ect

Well, the way I see it, you need to look out for your own health first--after all, you can't really help the animals if you're sick/dead/whatever, can you? So if you're getting sick because you can't properly sustain a vegan diet at the moment, then don't get upset with yourself about it. After all, you're making quite a difference simply being vegetarian. If I were you, I'd simply do what you're capable of--if possible, drink only truly free-range eggs, or eggs where you know what the animals' conditions are (for instance, my grandma keeps chickens, and sends us home with eggs sometimes, so I refuse to eat any eggs that aren't from her chickens). If you can't go to a local dairy farm, then simply research the brands of milk available at your grocery store, and find out which brands treat their cows properly. Basically, do as much as you can without compromising your health or sending yourself into bankruptcy trying to buy vegan food. Also, keep in mind that if you aren't buying the pre-made vegan food, but rather fruits and vegetables and whole foods, it'll probably be cheaper. And when you feel ready to implement a vegan diet, talk to your uncle--I'm sure he'd LOVE to help you out. :D

Vegetarian of 6 months, hope to be vegan one day.

I would recommend joining the Vegetarian/Vegan Society - there is a junior section.
You do not need to take any supplements providing you eat a healthy balanced diet. Maybe if you improved your overall attitude you could bring them around to taking more notice of you.
You could get a part-time job to earn a bit to buy some of the different items you will need, e.g. soya/rice milks.

If your health is in poor condition because of it then I would say maybe try to look into everything and see what kinds of things you need such as vitamins and stuff and see how much of it you need. You could be getting sick because you're lacking different vitamins in your diet. I wouldn't let your health deteriorate because of it though. Here is a site that I found that I think will help you a lot, it goee into detail about different things that need to be in your diet


Yes.You should wait till your'e 99 at least

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