How nice would it be if the whole world went vegan :)?!

Question: How nice would it be if the whole world went vegan :)?
Just think how happy all the little animals would be :)

BQ: Do you think in the future, the world will be a lot more 'go green' and a lot more soy based products because of the high vegan population? I've always thought it would it be, let's hope!

-amy :)


While it's a nice & caring thing to wish for i don't see that happening anytime soon & if by some miracle it happens it won't happen in our lifetime.

No. The wild animals would overpopulate, conditions would be worse for them.
In some areas, an omnivorous diet is actually more environmental. Think if you're living in a desert-like Middle Eastern-type area. Raising goats that would eat natural vegetatation would be a heckuva lot better than importing tofu and fruits from hundred of miles away, from an environmental point of view at least.
I think you've been brainwashed by PETA.

I hope that the world will 'go green,' more organic, local foods. I really hope people will one day wake up to the fact that we are dependent on the earth, and destroying what one is dependent on is not a good idea.
I do think there will be a higher vegetarian/pescatarian population as the health benefits become more commonly known, but it will be a long time, if ever, before veganism is common.

I am a vegetarian, just trying to be realistic.

It is impossible for the whole world to go vegan. People like you and others in this section can just go to your local grocery store to buy just about any food you want. People like you are actually the minority. Most people in the world don't have the means to do this for various reasons. Many people in the world have to eat whats available just to stay alive, whether its plant or animal matter.

Without grocery stores and today's ability to ship food far distances, most people could never become a vegan. It is a very unrealistic idea. There are many people that have never seen a store, and many who have could never afford to buy anything from one. Maybe you need to get out in the real world a little bit.

Predators will still kill their prey animals, often ripping them to shreds or eating them while still alive. Animals will still be run over by cars on highways. They will still die of starvation or disease by the millions. Most animals will still die before they become adults. etc etc etc.
They will however lose their natural habitats faster since more land will be needed to plant more crops to feed the increased demand. Several species like cattle and domesticated chickens will cease to exist since they have no longer have any useful purpose for humans. (There are no more wild cattle in existence anywhere).
Problem with people like you is that while you whine abut animal exploitation by other humans, you hypocritically want to instill your own vision of how animals must live in order for them to live "happy lives" as if you and you alone have this knowledge and have the power to decide.
You watch too much Disney, not enough Discovery and Nat Geo. Grow up and you finish third grade That's what I hope.

Nice fantasy.

In reality, the earth could not support a 100% vegan diet for the 7 billion people living on its surface. If we planted crops on every square acre of arable land, how quickly do you think the soil would be stripped of its nutrients? It's bad enough that we do it on such a large scale with corn, wheat & soy.

Veganism is a fad diet for the privileged. And if anyone wants to bring up the Hindu diet (because so many of them live in poverty) to counter my statement, they are technically vegetarians who include milk and eggs in their daily meals. Not even they are crazy enough to go completely without some form of animal protein. They can't afford expensive supplements to keep their nervous system and other bodily functions in proper working order.

It is an awesome idea, in theory. However, I feel that we would have a very hard time adjusting to the increased animal population (no more farms, remember), and I think that the idea of a capitalist economy would prevent that from happening (in America, anyways), because there is too much focus on "I can buy/ sell whatever I want." Also, there is too much media focusing on how bad veganism would be for our health, and rather than doing their research, people ignorantly eat up whatever they are told. There are also a lot of gender standards for men pushing the consumption of meat.

It would possibly work if it was taken EXTREMELY slow.

BQ: I think that there are really just more "organic" and "free-range." I have noticed commercials for almond milk when my mom watches TV (I don't watch it, don't worry. TV is so bad for your mind.).

But in terms of bi-products USED in foods (not bi-products themselves), I have actually noticed a lot of companies cutting whey, casein, gelatin, lactose derivatives, etc. from their products. Skittles, for example, are now gelatin free, and Panera's balsamic vinaigrette is now egg free.
The same goes for gluten, really. I am not sure why, as most gluten free diets are a result of allergies--not personal choices--but that really doesn't matter, because it is good to support all dietary restrictions.


Many populations (you know, the ones who do not have the LUXURY of refusing edible food of any kind) would not fare so well.

I suppose it would be nice if the whole world had the OPTION to go vegan, which would imply that no one in the world wanted for food at all and so no one ever went hungry or starved to death.

Just think how much happier all the humans would be.

if the world went vegan, the human race would eventually go extinct, we would not survive, we'd commit suicide just so these precious disease-spreading, killing animals will live a shorter life than they would being raised in a farm.

so, answer to your question, it would NOT be nice

Eh, In my opinion the world would be a lot worse if everyone was vegan. The animals wouldn't be happy, they'd be starving and overpopulated. But that's just my opinion & I respect yours. :)

BQ: sure.

I wouldn't want that. I like diversity. I just wish veganism was so common that people didn't have silly questions or misunderstood the lifestyle. And that there were real vegan options at every store and restaurant.


it would be awesome haha

c profile 4 other answered question k

Even tigers, wolves, and other carnivorous animals? Good luck with that..

**** i would be depressed because i wouldn't be able to eat anything.

That would be great. For now, ignorance seems to rule the day...


It would suck.

From a health point of view, this idea is not very good

not going to happen

Yay for Veganism. (: It would be lovely if the whole world was vegan. But unfortunately due to health and religious issues most of the world can not go vegan. :/

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