Vegans: What would you do?!

Question: Vegans: What would you do?
I was at a tepanyaki restaurant last night, and I ordered the steamed rice and vegetables. I forgot to ask the chef to prepare my vegetables without butter, and he prepared them with butter. I didn't want to create a stir, so I just ate it. Would you have done the same?


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No, I wouldn't have eaten it. I've accidentally consumed things over time as a vegetarian/vegan, but never knowingly.

We were recently at our local diner and I ordered linguine with marinara, the cook sprinkled parmesan on it before it left the kitchen so I asked the waitress politely if I could have it without parmesan cheese and she brought it out straight away (he must have made more than one serving of linguine) and I thanked her.

I didn't make a scene and shout; "hey, I'm vegan!", I just asked for it to be made the way I asked. They could have sent a little container of parmesan cheese out to our table with the dish instead of assuming everyone likes or can tollerate parmesan cheese.

When I order things, I usually research the place before we go and I always ask if it is prepared in butter or grease and request it cooked with vegetable or olive oil if it is. But it's all a gamble, which is why I prefer cooking at home.


Well I think it's a personal choice. You made the choice you felt was right for you. That's fine. Others would have made the choice to let them know they made a mistake and won't eat the butter. As I said, it's personal choice.
As for the person who says you can't be healthy being vegan. When was the last time a doctor told someone the vegetables, fruit and grains they are eating are causing diseses? However people are told all the time that animal products are making them sick - and that includes dairy. Calcium, needed for strong bones, is found in dark green leafy vegetables, tofu made with calcium sulfate, calcium-fortified soy milk and orange juice, and many other foods commonly eaten by vegans. Although lower animal protein intake may reduce calcium losses, there is currently not enough evidence to suggest that vegans have lower calcium needs.
I have been vegan 30 years and am healhier now than 30 years ago. Dr. John McDougall had a stroke at a very young age. He was told he'd never walk again. He went vegan and is walking strong decades later. Lots of living proof of better health after giving up all animal products. My kids have been vegan all therir lives and are almost never sick compared to their friends. They are also at a healthy weight. However my son's best friend was diagnosed with diabetes at 15 due to his eating habits.
But back to your qustion. I understand not wanting to create a stir. I think I would have told them, but I would have done it apologetically. There are lots of times people order things and it comes with a topping they don't want and they request it be removed and get another meal.
To avoid this in the future, you might mention to the waitress or waiter that you are vegan. Okay, I digress. Sorry. You did what was right for you at that moment. If you are happy with the decision, great. But you can have a plan to try to avoid it in the future.

It depends on why you are a vegan. If it's because you just don't like meat..then having butter is no big thing. If its because you love animals too much, then you can overlook the butter intake. No cows were slaughtered to bring you your butter intake.
Me , I'm a vegan, not because I love animals but because I hate plants.

i think it's okay to sometimes slip up.. and yes, that was a polite thing for you to do, but if i had been in that position i probably would have apologized, tell him that i didn't know that it had been prepared with butter, and asked for another one.


I think you did the right thing. It was YOUR mistake in not asking him to omit the butter. I'm sure you'll do better next time.


Nope. I would've sent them back. Don't be a martyr.


Don't be too hard on yourself ok.

yeah add more butter

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