How to go from Vegetarian to eating Meat again?!

Question: How to go from Vegetarian to eating Meat again?
I've been vegetarian for 3 years, I'm fifteen years old and I'm hating it. My parents made me go vegan/vegetarian 3 years ago because my dad wants to know too much. So, they made me go vegan. I said screw it and I went vegetarian 'cause I hated be vegan and never eating anything. Don't get me wrong, some of the stuff that is meatless but is vegetarian is good, but when I go to friends houses I can't eat or I have to bring my own food. I have a boyfriend and I can't eat at his house because they ALWAYS have meat...Please don't give me crap... Sorry if I sound really pissy tonight crap has been going on and yeah... But, please what are the steps? I've been CLEAN of meat since we went vegan/vegetarian. I don't eat plain eggs I can't all meat makes me sick... not because of the way they treat the animals the toxins in it. I mean everything. What should I do? I'm getting tired of this. I also have a job but no license can't get one till next year. And I have to get my own fridge if I want meat... Parent's rules... So please, don't give me crap about it... I just want to be normal. I do feel sorry for the animals... but... I'm really skinny, I'm not gaining any weight I'm 4' 10'' and 72 pounds... **lbs** . please... I can't stand being such a burden to my friends/boyfriend any longer...


Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

Meat doesn't make you necessarily beefy or gain weight and being a vegan or vegetarian doesn't necessarily make you skinny or lose weight. In fact some vegans or vegetarians gain weight because they are simply eating more than they were on the omnivorous diet.
I would not recommend going back to eating meat, but I would recommend adding more dairy to your diet since you are a growing girl who needs a common calcium source for your bones. Dairy is also one of the most fattening things you can eat, by far more fattening than any meats, but don't overdo cheese or dairy as you can wind up with skin problems. If you want to be a vegan still, the calcium sources for you are dark greens, sesame seeds, and fortified/enriched soy and or rice milks. Please think twice about eating meat as there are a variety of vegan/vegetarian foods that give you a healthier alternative to gaining weight and or mass. You should be very proud so far that at your age you are a veggie. Goodluck


Just start eating it again. Vegetarian fanatics may to scare with their psuedo science about losing the enzymes that help digest meat. It is a lie, not grounded in science and definitely not true. As others have suggested, start small, not because you have lost the ability, but because most people who revert to eating meat tend to overdo it and upset their stomachs.

Start slow & small. Your digestive system would not be able to process very high levels of heavy protein & fat all at once. Maybe a slice of buttered breal at a meal, 1/2 glass of milk etc. working up to small servings of meat. Start with chicken 1st. Good luck. Eatimg meat is not all bad for you like certain segments of population try to say.

Last weekend at a friends house i had 2 pieces of chicken and i had the worst stomach problems for two days! What i would suggest is, go slow, like a portion of chicken every three days, see if that works. And slowly work your way up. Good luck.

Do what's best for you. If you want to eat mean, than go ahead. It doesn't make you a horrible person, I mean you didn't kill the animal yourself so you have done nothing wrong.

no idea

Don't mess up your body with meat again. Free at last. Live longer and be healthier.

uhhhhmmmm try with small peices of meat a day like a little bit of turkey or chicken

First, you can eat meat. Even though you haven't had it in years, you're still a natural omnivore and your body can digest meat. So when you're at your boyfriend's house, eat meat. Don't gorge on it, but eat a reasonably sized piece. See how you feel. Where do you eat lunch? Most school lunches offer some meat. Or buy a hamburger now and then. You don't need a LOT of meat. You could be veggie at home and eat some meat while you're out of the house.

Second, if your parents are not feeding you properly, you need to complain to someone. Your school? Your grandparents? An Aunt? You seem very small for your age. Some parents have a warped idea of how to raise their kids and for the most part I think it's their right. But if your health is being compromised by their off beat ideas, you're old enough to speak out.

Frankly, you sound depressed. A poor diet can contribute to that. Take care of yourself....

start with broths. If you don't want to/can't make your own don't use canned. Check with a local deli, they should have stock you can use.

Go slow and supplement your diet with protein rich foods like peanut butter, other nuts, etc.

Judging by your current size the vegan/vegetarian diet your are on is not healthy. Moderation is always better.

Once you get healthy, you can try vegetarianism again (if you want) just consult a doctor or at least read a few websites on balanced eating

well, you say you are vegetarian right? not vegan? so your body knows what animal products are so it ain't as hard as if you were vegan. but you really gotta take it slow. don't know if you eat eggs and fish, but if you do, i'd say load up on that for a while to make your body used to working on animal products... and dairy. you see from there, you could, little by little add some chicken in lets say a salad, make pizza with just a little chicken as a topping. go from there. after a bit, you can slowly start on other meats. although if you are used to eating vegan, i really do suggest that you choose the most "natural" meats out there, and clean your meats very well. i don't know if you want to go all the way and eat red-meat but if you do, i studied up on what vinegar can do, and if you let a steak or whatever marinate in vinegar (in the fridge), for about a day, you suck out a hell of alot of germs and have a way lesser chance of getting sick. but honestly i don't think you should eat red-meat untill like after 6 months of working on changing your body. and for the fridge, get like a small one, you can get those for like $300.

its not that hard to start eating meat again, maybe u should start light by eating fish and chicken and turkey and then go onto the heavier stuff. im the oppposite of you lol, im a vegan and i just QUIT eating meat all of a sudden for 2-3months and i eat no animal products at all. no milk or eggs. but my diet is harder, im craving to eat meat. in your case, eating meat again is not difficult

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