how can i stop hateing myself for eating dairy?!

Question: How can i stop hateing myself for eating dairy?
I used to be vegan but im 13 and still live with my mom and she HATES the idea of me being vegan so i decided to be a very strict vegetarian so i wont eat eggs,and no leather,wool,no honey,nothing that's been tested on animals,no animal fur and well you get the idea. Any way every time i eat any dairy i get really upset,how can i not be upset?


Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

Stop drinking it.
The only other answer would be to get counseling.

Find an soy or rice milk that you like and use that. That way you could both be happy. Instead of totally getting rid of the milk products just replace them with veggie friendly alternatives. That way your mother doesn't feel like there is a gap in your diet(soy milk has calcium and other vitamins and minerals you need) and you will not feel awful for contributing to the dairy industry.

Show her the product labels on a package of soy milk(aka show her all the good stuff in there) and it shouldn't be too much of a problem. She just wants to make sure you are getting all your vitamins and nutrients babe. Prove to her that you are getting them from alternative her how much calcium is in that serving of spinach and so on. All she sees is that you got rid of milk and therefore you must be missing all those vitamins and nutrients from not consuming it.

You need to eat to be healthy. You should figure out what is healthy and what
your body needs before you begin to restrict your diet due to political or philosophical concerns. I think there is something else going on with you and you
are denying yourself food. It may be a problem with your mother or something.
I stopped eating meat when I was 15, back in 1970. My daughters have been
vegan since their teenage years. One difference is that we learned what was
healthy for them to eat. They grew up eating a lot of homegrown, organic vegetables and eggs from our own chickens. The hens were allowed to raise their
own babies, too, but we did not eat them. I read about nutrition and supplements all the time and have for over 40 years.

You shouldn't beat yourself up over eating dairy. Make sure that the dairies treat
their cows well. Most do. You want to avoid added hormones. Eating eggs from
cage-free well fed chickens is not bad either. Lots of chickens have very good lives and they lay lots of eggs. I had chickens live almost 20 years.

You have to work out these upsets. Write down the negative thoughts that bother you and keep a journal of them. Be honest with yourself and see if those thoughts are true or they are just a way to beat yourself up. Most bad thoughts that keep coming back over and over are just a way to beat ourselves up and feel bad about ourselves. They are a hindrance and you can get rid of them by ignoring them or
telling yourself they aren't true.

Well i can see why you get upset, animals live horrible lifes inside the dairy industry, the dairy industry is just as bad as the meat industry.

You dont need dairy, its bad for your health and by consuming it you're supporting the way animals live inside the dairy industry.

Educate yourself. The fact is no animal is harmed when a cow is milked and dairy products are made.In fact it is a relief to the cow to be milked.
Honey is made by bees . So that means it is okay to eat.
Wool is okay to wear because the animal is not killed to get the wool.

The mind is a great and powerful thing. If learn to control your emotions, you will accomplish many things throughout your life.

People think that anger should be let out. I think that anger should be processed.

If you don't want to drink or eat dairy, buy soy milk, rice milk, and almond milk. It's made with the same vitamins and minerals found in cow's milk.


Stop eating dairy.

~facepalm @ ann~

Do not worry about it. Most of the horror stories you have heard are nonsense anyway.

Well, if you don't like it, you shouldn't do it.

stop eating any dairy. lol it' simple. how could your mom force you anyway?

Why would you hate yourself for that?


Hey :) It's great that you are trying your best to help the animals. Don't put yourself down if you are not doing "everything." Nobody is perfect. I'm vegan and I still use animal tested I'm trying to think of a solution to it. Hopefully I will find one.

I think this may help you ----> 2 years ago, before I went vegan....I had just learned about factory farming. The first time I had tried to tell my parents that I wanted to go vegan...they were MAD. It did not go over well and I ended up getting yelled at. I couldn't even get them to work with me...and I was I was forced to eat omelets or I got YELLED AT. I sunk down and just did what they told me...still feeling guilty (just like you are feeling right now). Two years later...I realized...that I hadn't even really 'tried' to make a presentable case to my parents about it...and I just couldn't give up without a fight. So, I did a ton of research and put together a booklet full of vegan nutrition and information. I finally presented the research to my mom....she was VERY upset with me still about the whole thing. She kept questioning 'why, why!!' even though I had told her plenty. She then said she'd work with me at being vegetarian but not vegan and she would have to take me to a nutritionist.. I stated that I couldn't do that I and had to go vegan. She said no...and I ran to my room crying. Once I came to, I realized that I had to at least go for something. So...I apologized to my mom and said that I would work with her at being vegetarian.
Twist in the story? I never went vegetarian, never even went to a nutritionist...somehow I just slipped past her whole 'vegetarian thing' and went straight to getting vegan food. You can bet that I was taunted and constantly got told how 'wrong' I was for doing this. Like every day my mom would say "I wish you would just be vegetarian, not vegan...that is too extreme" I just kept ignoring her and continued to pull through. I can promise you that the insults didn't let up till about 6 months later when they realized I hadn't died yet. T_T
Now it's been a full year and my parents have kept quiet since they realized that I haven't crippled and died...or lost any weight for that matter. Now they are much more accepting of my veganism and way more supportive. It really goes to show you that 'ignorance' is people's worst enemy.

I know that was slightly long.... What I'm trying to get at can't give up without a good fight! If you really want to give up dairy again because it makes you feel that guilty, then you need to gather a lot of basis and show a lot of research to your mom, politely explaining to her that veganism is not an unhealthy diet when done like any proper diet. If you want to give up's YOUR decision....she may hate it.....but remember how I got told how "wrong" I was for going vegan? and now they are realizing that I may not have been so "wrong" as they thought :)

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