If Milk is vegetarian, why then beef is non vegetarian ?!

Question: If Milk is vegetarian, why then beef is non vegetarian ?

Whenever the subject of vegetarianism is discussed, one question invariably asked is whether or not dairy products such as milk, butter, cheese, etc., may be clasified as vegetarian. Among ancient cultures, the Hindus - traditionally considered the architects who laid out the principles of vegetarianism - regard dairy products as vegetarian. However, from an ethical, medical and modern enviromental viewpoint, as well as from a vegan perspective, milk and milk products cannot be accepted as vegetarian, because they are obtained from animals. Those vegetarins consume milk can be called as lacto vegetarins.


A vegetarian diet excludes the flesh of all animals and products that require the death of the animal. You cannot have beef, chicken, pork, gelatin, or rennet (used to make cheese) without the death of the animal. You can obtain milk (and eggs) without killing the animal, although nowadays, they are killed when production declines.

People become vegan when they realize that dairy and eggs are just as cruel, if not more so, than flesh foods.

This is a great question! Milk is really not vegetarian unless you also consider veal to be vegetarian and most people even before going veg or even if they don't are opposed to veal in some way. Veal is a direct by-product of the milk industry (no milk= no veal) and it has been said there is veal in every glass of milk. Plus looking at all the horrible cruelty in the various milk industries (organic, free range, factory farmed...) it is a very nasty and animal unfriendly thing.

Obviously I am not recommending vegetarians start eating beef or more veal than they would get as a result of milk. However I would recommend vegetarians stop drinking milk and eating products made from milk and move to a more compassionate lifestyle.

Yes vegetarianism is better than eating meat but non pure/strict vegetarianism is still helping the meat industries in some way and promoting the idea that animals are property and ours to use and abuse freely.

vegan because animals are not property

Vegetarians will not eat anything that comes from killing animals. Technically, you are not "killing" the cow, it is only being milked, the animal is still alive. So, it is vegetarian. With beef, it is a different story. The animal is killed and then the meat is used. So, non vegetarian.

Vegetarianism believes in interdependence of humans and animals but in a harmless way.

As a meat-eater, I don't understand it either. Milk comes from mammals, which are animals. Humans drinking milk is gross and unnatural. I don't care if it offends the weak-minded people. The government lies. The USDA is in the cheese making business. Due to self-interest and downright corruption by prominent dairy lobbyists influence government, the dairy industry has successfully pushed for milk in schools, being pasteurized in every state except California, etc. Why are billion of dollars are spent every year for milk subsidy? Why do school district get reimbursement from the federal government if milk must be offered at every meal in the United States? Why does milk and dairy have its own food group? Dairy is not the only source of calcium. It is self-interest and con work.

FYI, Despite the big number of biased studies claiming milk helps bone health, Milk has not been found to promote bone and muscle health. Milk has not been proven by science to prevent disease or promote good health.
For every study claiming milk helps build better bone and/or lower fracture risks, there are many other studies arguing dairy products has never been shown to reduce fracture risk or build better bones. In fact, according to the Nurses' Health Study dairy may increase risk of fractures by 50 percent! For every study claiming milk helps lower cholesterol, there are other studies saying it is full of saturated fats linked to heart disease. For every study claiming that milk helps lower cancer risk, there are other studies that say that higher intakes of both calcium and dairy products may increase a man's risk of prostate cancer by 30 to 50 percent. There are actually many negative benefits to it like high fat, proteins like casein, and sugar. Studies show that only populations around the world that herd their own mammal (for meat or production of milk) still remain lactose-tolerant.

The U.S.D.A. may try to dictate food choices that ignore health and ethics, but consumers have the power to think about the health and moral aspects of what they eat.

Hi, A vegetarian doesn't eat parts of an animals body.

Beef is a part of an animals body. Milk is not part of an animals body.

Therefore beef is not vegetarian but milk is.


Milk and beef both Non veg. But as your belief if you vegetarian in South Asia can drink milk but hard to think about beef. Here in Canada pepole prefer to less meat for health concern. Who are purely vegetarian not take the milk product.

technically therefore no one can be a vegetarian since breast feeding is also is mammalian feed.
Nevertheless the difference is vegans don't accept diary products as vegetarian and vegetarians accept
diary products as vegetarian

since u dont have to kill the cow to get the milk
but u gota kill the cow to get the beef
n vegetarians dont eat animal flesh so they dont eat any meat


Learn the difference between vegan and vegetarian.

Meat is part of the actual animal, and milk is not....

Vegetarians only don't eat meat.

Because you don't have to kill the animal to get the milk.

milk is result, beef is animal......,

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