Mom against veganism?!

Question: Mom against veganism?
My mom thinks vegans are stupid, yet I want to go full vegan. I'm vegetarian right now. How should I convince her?


Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

You need to read up on what Vegan ism is. Then you will be able to express yourself to your MOM.
Being a Vegetarian is a lot different than being a Vegan.

Look at it from her point fo view. She could also ask the question : Daughter against "omnivoreism"? My daughter thinks eating meat and the people who eat meat are stupid....

Talk to your mother. It's not a matter of "convincing" her because really what are you going to convince her of? Every argument you can come up with, she can counter. Ask her why she feels that something like veganism is "stupid" and try to answer her questions with facts not some made pseudo science propaganda from vegan web pages. If she can see that you are being very mature about the whole thing. she just might take you seriously enough to consider your choice to be vegan. Just coming up with recipes may not work that well but actually offering to help her with the recipes (and lightening what she perceives as extra work) might .

I don't know how old you are, but if you could provide her with information that assures her that you know how to provide proper nutrition for yourself, that would be a start. Many people who decide on attempting a lifestyle of vegan nature do not know how to suppliment their bodies with the things a body needs to be healthy. She may just not be sure you know how to nurish yourself and does not want you to become ill for somehing that you would be missing in your diet.

Just do it. :) not many people will support your decision, no matter how you may want them to. Just remember, don't expect her to cook for you spacial foods. Be humble about it and dont talk too much about it. It will just upset your mom more. Just know your facts about veganisim..all, for the eco reasons, what they do to the animals.. what ever the reason you may choose to do it for, dont limit your knowledge just to that one reason. This reason is so if someone asks you, you can respectfully answer with facts and not too much emotion. Also, learn all you can about health. What nutrition you need, what vitamins hinder or help each other.. how much salt/fat/protien ect you need in a day and what could happen if you over do it. I know it is a lot.. and it is a learning process but knowledge is power. Take your time with it. Good luck to you.

hey i've been a vegetarian since i was 14
my mom really wasnt supportive of it but i helped by finding a bunch of food and helping cook dinners that way it wouldnt be a hastle.
if you wanna go full vegan then go for it but again remember that we can never impose our lifestyles on others --just respect and feel pride for your decision

u should cook your own meals and make a list of food you want and recipes also get a part time job its expensive oh and tell her how you feel show her a video about the slaughter houses enlighten her also if you eat wheat bread you can't be a vegan wheat bread contains milk be mindful of that I learned my lesson the hard way

I have tried everything and feel vegetarianism is the way to go. Once you let your mom taste some delicacies, she will surely change.

In order not to inconvenience her, offer to cook your own meals and help with the grocery shopping.

"My mom thinks vegans are stupid....I just don't want her to think they're dumb."

In that case, my advice is- don't let your mom look at yahoo answers!

You can't convince her.
All people have to make up their own minds.
You can only do what makes you happy, and eventually, when she sees that you didn't drop dead from it, she might accept it.
Don't throw it in her face -- that's the EASIEST way for you to gauruntee that she will NEVER accept it, because then it's a Challenge to her ideas -- and NO ONE likes to be challenged.

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