Does it mean you don't have good morals if you eat meat?!

Question: Does it mean you don't have good morals if you eat meat?
A vegan roommate just emptied my refrigerator of all things non-vegan. I questioned him about it and he said meat is murder and that if I eat meat that I am just as bad as the person who murdered the animal. He said I should focus on having morals? I respect other people who have beliefs different than mine, but I think that doesn't give him the right to throw out food that is not his. Do you think what he did was wrong and what should I do about it?


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I think it's silly to make-up stories on the Internet..

Don't you have anything better to do?

I think having morals involves having respect for other people too.

I'm a vegetarian and that's my choice. I don't expect to have to argue my case or justify why I don't want to eat meat. In exchange for that respect for my decision I don't expect meat eaters to defend their diet either.

This hysterical hissy fit wouldn't have taken place in an animal shelter, I'm sure. Where are his morals on feeding malnourished dogs meat?

Enforcing your diet on people who don't believe it's right for them is just as bad as enforcing your religion on an Atheist.

If all my non vegan food (eggs, cheese, honey) got thrown out I'd empty the fridge of everything he paid for and tell him that if he wants a vegan only fridge them he's welcome to go out and pay for one. Also, he must have known he'd be sharing with a meat eater when the living arrangements were established. If he could accept it when he moved in than he should accept it now.

A vegetarian sick of being given a bad name.

No, HIS beliefs don't give him the right to destroy your property. Morals are an individual opinion/belief. You have just as much right to your opinion/beliefs as he does to his.

You know your situation better than anyone here, but I'd suggest that if you let him push you around about your diet, he'll be pushing you around about everything else. Stand up for yourself.

As for what to do about it: ask him to either replace the food or give you the money to replace the food. If he offers to give you vegan food instead, decide if you want to do that or not. It should be YOUR choice, not his.

Veganism is not a healthy diet. It's mostly built on lies and misconceptions. Be patient. Chances are this is just a phase for him and he'll be back to eating meat with you within a month or so.

I'm having a hard time believing this really happened.

But if it did, I agree that it would be really messed up to throw away someone else's food like that.

Just tell the person you can eat whatever you want and he or she has no authority over you, and should learn to mind his own business. Even better, get away from this person and find someplace else to live.

It's your right to eat what you want. Many people eat meat, and it isn't a crime. As long as there are people on Earth, animals will be killed for food since everyone isn't a vegetarian. It is sad that animals are killed for food, but it's reality, and he needs to face that fact. Even though you respect his beliefs, it's obvious he doesn't respect yours.

He needs to lighten up and RESPECT YOUR CHOICES.
What he did was definitely wrong. He's basically saying that because you don't agree with him, YOU ARE BAD.
Are you going to take that?
You paid for that food -- did he get rid of it or just take it out of the fridge?
That's THEFT if he got rid of it.
Tell him he can buy his own damn refridgerator and stock it with whatever he likes. You will CONTINUE to eat as you see fit.
Then when you cook for the pair of you (if that happens), put meat in his food, and see how he likes to have his things messed with.
You get what you give. It's that simple.
He needs to stop with the preaching a**hole attitude and grow up.

His actions were wrong. Any moral high ground he may have had just sunk below sea level when he pulled that stunt.

It's one thing to proselytize--it's another thing to actively force your beliefs on another person. No one with a shred of ethics should consider something like that, and I would tell him so. After all, you wouldn't empty his fridge of everything -you- didn't want to eat.

If there's any way to do so, I'd find another place to live--or better yet, make HIM find another place. And bill him for the cost of the food he threw out.

If he says that "meat is murder and if you eat meant then you are as bad as the person who killed the animal," then let him say that. But tell him that you aren't vegan and that you allow yourself to eat meat. That means he shouldn't throw away all meat from your ref. After all, it's YOUR food.

I think people who eat meat fund killing and torture. Because they do.

That being said, your roommate's actions were laughable. You had already bought the stuff, and funded the practices he opposes. What difference does it make if you eat it after the fact?

That's not the way to convince people.

Morality - i.e. what's "good" or otherwise - is subjective, not absolute.

He took action according to his beliefs. If you don't like it, do something about it.

Although his views might be valid to him, he doesn't have the right to impose them on you. Without knowing what country you're from, I would assume that it's your right to believe whatever you want.

Yes,what he did was wrong.
I am a vegan,but would never,ever impose my beliefs on others.
One thing he should not do,if he is so fussy,is share a place with a meat eater.
I wouldn't.

Apparently so, according to many vegetarians/vegans on this forum.

Demand that he immediately write you a check to replace everything that he destroyed, then evict him (or move out if you cannot).

Just because someone eats meat does not make them a bad person.
Vegans who preach like that are worse than the meat eaters!
Each to their own.

He needs to pay for all the stuff he threw out that wasn't his.
If he keeps being this way, you should start looking for a new living arrangement.

trolling the v&v section might mean that you don't. if this were true i would tell you to talk to him about touching your stuff.

I think you should find a less controlling roommate.

you should beat his *** and make him pay for the food, otherwise just ignore his hippie ***.

If you are not just trolling I would suggest that you get a new roommate.

Yes, I'm sure that's a completely true story.

meat is there for us to meat.

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