what is your favourite quorn product?!
Well, I like Quorn mince because its SO versatile, I use it for spagetti bolagnaise, cottage pie, stuffed peppers, etc. etc.
and I also can't get enough of there chicken burgers.
pescetrarian for 10 years
I have to agree with Alessandra - those quorn fillets with the olives are just divine. I got a great quorn cookery book recently by buying 2 quorn products and sending off £2.99. It's fab with wonderful ideas to use all types of quorn products.
I don't eat the Quorn ready meals, but I do use a lot of plain fillets and cook them with home made sauces, esp onion (bechamel with a couple of fried onions added) with roast potatoes.
I don't eat Quorn, but my boyfriend likes the Quorn Turk'y Roast, and eats them twice a year--one for Thanksgiving and one for Christmas.
chicken cutlets. i like to eat rice brocclie and a chicken cutlet with hoisen sauce on it.
Those things have no fat and like 80 cals its great.
the chicken style fillets in tomato and black olive sauce (sainsbury's). the quorn is so soft and tender lol
Lasagna and cottage pie
Quorn fillets fried in vege oil