Thinking about going Vegetarian , question on eggs and milk products?!
Egg Whites (I hate yolk)
Those are the only two items I see I really don't know if I can give up. Otherwise I drink Soy milk already and the spray butter and coffee creamer isn't even real milk products.
Hi, yes, most vegetarians still eat eggs and dairy (including cheese), so you don't have to give these up if you do decide to go vegetarian.
Yeah deffineantly you can have milk products including cheese, butter, yogurt all of that and eggs also I learned about the vegitarian food groups in school
Foods class
Most vegetarians in the US are ovo (egg)-lacto (milk) vegetarians. So eggs and dairy products are widely used by vegetarians in this country.
Do be careful about how much soy you consume, though. The state of IL started feeding their prison inmates mostly fake meat soy products and there have been some health consequences.…
There are different types of Vegetarian, I am, for example, a pescatarian, which means that the only meat that I eat fish (along with dairy products). Vegans are the only one to my understanding that don't eat animal bi-products. If you are just simply a vegetarian, then you will be able to eat these products.
Personal experiance