Too much cholesterol is bad, but do we need SOME? Should I be worried that vegan food doesn't contain any?!
I'm a vegan
Our body makes our own cholesterol. We don't need to consume any extra cholesterol what-so-ever.
When we eat meat, we're basically eating the cholesterol that an animal made for their own body. But we don't need any extra.
You have no need to worry. Vegans have a very good track record for cholesterol. Take a look at this article.
You do need some because cholesterol is important in the formation of cell membranes and for the production of hormones in the body.
No you don't need cholesterol from outside sources, we can produce it fine ourselves. Low cholesterol is rarely a problem if ever an actual problem.
vegan because animals are not property
You actually don't need cholesterol from food; your body can produce what you need.
RN for 12 years
You'll find cholesterol in nuts, seeds cooking oils especially corn oil and various other vegan foods.