How do you avoid meat or animal products when...?!

Question: How do you avoid meat or animal products when...?
Its completely impossible in modern society?

Take a look at that before answering.


A very good point both in the original question and in your response to freeyourself1anarchist as well.

I agree with the picture in the link that there is no such thing as being a vegan because you clearly cannot exist without making use of animal products in some way.

If you don't like vegetables it can be hard. Look for recipies that deal with substitute dishes for meat loaf, meatballs, bolognaise pasta sauce etc. You can eat nuts & things made with flour like pasta, jellied desserts that don't use gelatine to thicken & cakes & biscuits (cookies) in moderation. You need lots of vegetables to compensate for Iron & Proteins you aren't getting from meat. If there is no specific reason you wish to be vegetarian, may you should forget it.

"The word 'veganism' denotes a philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude — as far as is possible and practical — all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of animals, including humans and the environment.

In dietary terms it denotes the practice of dispensing with all products derived wholly or partly from animals."

Conclusion you don't understand veganism. Plus all of those products listed can be derived from natural non animal sources or if that doesn't exist then can be made from synthetic materials. Some of those products too are rarely made from animals in this modern age or as far as I know not even made from animals. Rubber is a natural product found in trees or made synthetically for instance.

It is not possible to be 100% vegan in a modern industrialized society but that means nothing because you can still try and do your best to avoid animal products. The alternative is using more animal products and I don't see how that is a better solution? Veganism as defined by the creator of the word Donald Watson is doing what is possible and practical. It is very possible to eliminate most of that stuff from your life or find alternatives that don't come from animals. I think you have some flawed logic just because something isn't totally possible currently doesn't mean you shouldn't try.

So basically you are saying lets exploit (or as you say "use") the world humyns, animals, the environment just because some people will be doing it for a while. Your belief system is very very very simple and misguided. You clearly don't respect animals or understand anything about respect.

Animals may be killed for the rest of time but we shouldn't be doing it no matter what you think. We won't be around much longer if people like you continue to use and abuse animals. We are destroying the planet because of our lust for the destruction of animals and their earth.

I am curious who put these animals here for us too use. Please provide some proof of this magical creatures who put animals here for us or don't bother with silly theories that have no clout. If you look at science and facts you will find that animals evolved and continue evolving (except maybe for humyns) they didn't just drop out of the sky from some magical sky beast who creates life. Plus if you actually do believe in mystical sky beasts the Christian, Jewish and Muslim one said "thou shalt not kill" and didn't add an asterisk meaning it is wrong to kill, period!

Vegan because animals are not property

The whole point in vegan products is that they make them without any of these items. maybe you should do more research before you accuse.
There are many beauty products that are vegan safe, it's the reason people create them in the first place because they are vegan.

I just do my best, which is a lot better than not trying at all because animal byproducts are in everything. That just sounds like a lame excuse that omnivores came up with.

okay you dont make cake mixes from cow blood. some things on that diagram is false.


I read labels, ask questions, and when in doubt, don't buy or use it.

I do my best. :)

Live out in the wilderness like a hermit or quit complaining. Simple.

he just have to think meat is gross and its bad for you t be able to avoid it


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