Why do some health nuts look down on people who eat differantly?!

Question: Why do some health nuts look down on people who eat differantly?
I see it all the time in articles about healthy food, health nuts look down on anyone who eats things like big macs or fried foods.

Why? What makes you better than hamburger eaters? Even if they eat 10 per day, you are NOT any better than themm why do you feel this way?


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So, by eating differently, you mean eating an extremely unhealthy diet that's slowly killing you?

Just wondering.

Personally, I don't "look down" on what you eat. It's what you're SUPPORTING. By buying from McDonald's, KFC, or pretty much any other meat producing industry, you are financially supporting the brutal torture and murder of poor chickens, cows, fish, and all kinds of other animals. It's sickening what they do in slaughterhouses, and as they say "If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be vegetarian." I'm a very compassionate person, and even SMELLING a BigMac makes me sick to my stomach. Not because of how nasty and unhealthy it is, but because I know about all the cruelty that was put into making it...


I don't look down on them, atleast not to the point where I remind them of what I think of the choices they make. I just feel that some people take things for granted. It is the same with smoking. On a response, they could say I am not making the most of the tasty food. I don't feel arrogant towards anybody but arrogance happens all the time. For example, when people get hooked on smoking when they know exactly what the risks are, I think that is wrong. From my own personal family experience, I know exactly the impact smoking does have and I wouldn't insult what someone I know very close to me has been through. There are other reasons I wouldn't. I know I'm not perfect and there are probably other ways in life where I don't make the most of what I have. I also know that that person who eats lots of junk food used to be me. People are allowed to do what they want, but it doesn't mean others have to approve even if they respect the decision. I'm secure and comfortable with my own decision, so an arrogant attitude isn't the way I go about it. I don't mind, I won't comment, or nit pick at what someone else has on their plate.

"Health nuts?" Who is being arrogant, if you have to mock them to prove your own superiority?

I feel the same way about "exercise nuts." I used to be one myself, and I know it's healthy to get a lot of exercise, but I'm too lazy, busy with work and at home, etc. to do more than walk a couple of miles a day now. So it's annoying when they go on TV and explain how they train for triathlons in their spare time, between working full time and raising a family of three kids under the age of five, and how everybody can and should do the same.

But really it's not them. They work hard to maintain a healthy lifestyle, and want to explain how we all can do it. It's me, for knowing there's some truth to what they say but ignoring it for the sake of convenience.

So admit it: you know in your heart that Big Macs and deep fried foods are "once in a while" foods, not meant to be eaten every day or even every week. So don't get defensive when people tell you so.

Food that is bad for you also tends to be food that is cheap. Many people assume that if someone eats cheap food, they don't have the means to buy healthier food, ie they are poor. From my observations, we live in an extremely classist society where anyone who struggles to make ends meet is looked down upon by those that don't. It's quite sad really. I'm not saying it's okay for people to think this way, or that everyone does, but I've noticed that many people do. And I'm also not saying that everyone who eats healthfully is well to do. To be quite honest, like most of the country, I'm struggling financially, and I still manage to eat a balanced diet. And I know several people who live in the "rich" part of town who frequent KFC and McDonald's. So my reasoning doesn't apply to everyone, but does apply to some.

I feel better because I'm going to live a longer, healthier life. I might avoid the heart problems my grandfather has, and the diabetes my grandmother and great-grandmother suffer from.

I look down on people that don't take care of themselves and complain about feeling like sh*t all the time.

You're logic is flawed. Besides, do you know how many cows are in that one hamburger? More than one, I can tell you that. And the bun? Full of leptin-blocking high fructose corn syrup.

Enjoy your rotting flesh diet, heart attacks, and diabetes.

A health nut.

Why do some junk food eaters look down on people who smoke? What makes them better than them? Both are slowly killing themselves...I suppose.

I just hate that people love to complain about their ailments, fat, etc. and don't pay attention to what they eat that causes a lot of their problems.

I am not a health nut btw. I just try to be conscious of what I put in my mouth most of the time. Other times I say oh well with the vegan junk food but that's only an occasional treat.

cos some people are like that, thats just what some peopel do, and it goes for almost anything about us, soemone always looks down on soemone else for something

i couldnt care less what others eat, its their body, their life, but when i see them feed the same cr*p to their children every day i have a lot less respect for them

Slaveowners also thought THEIR habits were some "personal right".

The reality is, you can't make a "personal choice" argument when your habits affect hundreds of other lives, as is the case per meat-eater.

Sure your allowed to eat whatever you want. people are also allowed to think your an idiot.
Im sure you too have looked down at people for all sorts of various reasons, everyone does.

The word "nut" explains it quite clearly

Well they're better at eating "healthier" so I guess that some people get snobby over it. Just like with anything else.

u said it yourself, there just nutters

They are jealous of us normal people that eat delicious food.

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