Where can I find Vegan winter/snow boots? Mid-calf, water-proof, no suede, no leather, no heels, ...?!
If anyone can point me in the right direction to find Vegan snow/winter boots that do not look like a slipper and do not have heals, I'll give you ten points. Please don't tell me to go to Google--I've tried.
As far as specifics, I'd like the boots to be Vegan (meaning no animal products), mid-calf, brown, water-proof, under $150 USD, no heels, ... I'm not asking you to find me that boot, specifically... But if you want to try, all help is welcome.
(*Sigh* Please don't give me the whole "wat dose diz hv 2du w/ fud n drnk/1"--I just went through the categories and feel the people of V&V, even though it's F&D, will be able to help the most...)
How about these? It's faux suede!
EDIT: Sorry, forgot to check if they're waterproof! Doesn't really say.
EDIT: There are these as well but they specifically say they not designed for getting wet. So I assume that the boot I first posted has some kind of water resistance to it, since it doesn't have that warning.