i'm having a hard time staying vegetarian, any advice???????!
Best Answer - Chosen by Voters
It sounds like you need some support.
i can understand how its hard for you because of what your normal diets may be. but im indian and i eat mostly indian food and ALL indian food is vegetarian and tastes amazing. so its really easy for me. before i turned vegetarian the only times i ate meat were when i went out and i only ate chicken so i was sort of a vegetarian all along. its up to you... you can try food from other cultures and stick to it because if your normal family diet is like 90% meat then you really dont have to, as long as you respect the animals you eat and buy foods from places not mentioned in food inc. [evil] then its fine...
get some meat substitutes, and learn to cook.
Honestly, the argument "you only life once, why not eat meat" doesnt affect me at all. I am a vegetarian because i dont want to eat meat. Meat repulses me because its a rotting dead body. I dont like eating dead bodies. I dont feel like im missing out on anything at all.
I think you just have to really figure out if you want to be a veggie or not. I dont think you do at all, youre just doing it because you feel like "youre supposed to".
Perhaps you could try weaning yourself off instead of going cold turkey (wow that's the worst pun ever...) Seriously though, try cutting down to just fish and poultry , then gradually cut back on how much of them you eat until you can go to a totally vegetarian diet.
Watch "Earthlings".
It's free on Google.
On second thought,
if you feel that you're "wasting parts of your life" by not eating dead rotting flesh of tortured creatures,
I can imagine how long you're going to be committed.
~4 year vegan~
best advice is don't be someone you're not... if you crave meat don't be a vegetarian
meat alternatives?