Why or why aren't you a vegetarian?!

Question: Why or why aren't you a vegetarian?
I'm curious to see other's opinions.(:


Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

I'm a vegetarian, because I don't want to eat meat, nor do I need to eat meat.

I am a vegitarian because

1 I hear storys on the news that a bear or dog killed a person for self defense and a park ranger or someone shoots them than hear we are killing them to sattisfy tastebuds
2 taking an innocent creatures life from it against their will for your own twisten zombie like desire that takes thirty minutes is revolting
3 animals are living beings not objects. When you raise an animal purly for it's death you are doing so
4 I'm not an ignorant person. I know where meat really comes from-- a factory where animals are tortured and takes 87 percent of Americas agriculteral land, over 90 percent of oats,grain and corn, half out fresh water and Is the leading cause of global warming(leading threat to earth)
5 putting a dead creature in your mouth and body Is repulsive and has lots of down sides like cancer,heart disease,achne,body odor and diobeties
6 you can not call your self an animal lover while eating their carcuses
7 I can't see myself putting a knife to a cute little guys throat and if you can't murderer you shouldn't eat meat.

Thats why I'm a vegitarian

Veg for two years

I'm not a vegetarian because I like bacon and cheeseburgers and bacon cheeseburgers. We domesticated animals so that we could eat them. I'm of the general opinion that human beings are NOT equal to animals in terms of life. They exist to serve us or, in the case of meals, be served TO us. That's nature. The superior being subjegates the lesser beings.

Right well alot of these answers probably didn't satisfy you, i'm going to try take this up a notch & present a good debate for being vegetarian.

Most vegetarians as you have read in your answer here are so due to moral reasons (ie compassion for animals) over health-reasons which one will only see as a side-factor to the lifestyle.
I've been toying with this question on Yahoo Answers & have gotten some great answers against it but unfortunately due to the layout of YA, it isn't great for replying & debating.

My question was simple, what is morally correct about eating animals? I fail to see how it is just or morale to be part of a process where an animal is raised specifically for slaughter (& in certain cases in horrible conditions, or tampered with hormones etc) when there are other alternatives available in a modern world thanks to transport-shipping & the bio-diversity of plant life around the world capable of covering our nutrition.......many dismissed the comment that food was food, i wasn't looking for that i was looking for a reason to eat meat that couldn't be counter-debated.
This is the main reasoning you will find behind vegetarians, it will just be phrased differently or less to the point.
Two people answered back with in short that compassion is an emotion gauged differently by other people & that rights belong to humans because they appreciate & understand the rights, unlike animals who don't. (it was phrased much better than that).

Its pretty much as simple as that, where women were seen as unequal to men that was changed, where black folk were seen as unequal to white folk that has changed, where gays were seen as unequal to both black & white folk that was changed. The only difference is vegetarians take this one step further & extend this compassion and equalness to animals.

Thats not to say that vegetarians think animals are the exact same as humans, but merely that we are animals too & as such a fair proportion of what applies to us in terms of our basic rights should also apply to other species (ie not destroying their habitat, granting them life etc)

I am vegan now but before September of last year I still ate meat and I did so because I was unaware of the massive amount of cruelty that take place in the animal agriculture industry. What is done to animals to put meat, dairy, eggs, etc on our plates is just plain wrong and disgusting and I am very proud to not contribute to that any longer. Of course there is no such thing as the perfect vegan but I do everything I can to avoid contributing to cruelty.

I'm not a vegetarian as it is unnatural. Humans evolved to be omnivores. And there are tons of people in the world that would kill to have meat to eat if somehas soo much food they can turn their noses up at the privlage to be abil to eat meat then shame on them if it is due to alergies then I understand otherwise I can not

I am a vegan. Due to years of eating what i used to love, such as meat, dairy and such, i now have type 2 diabetes, hypertention and a fatty liver. Since i turned my life around and resolved to eat a plant based diet, I am much healthier. the diabetes, blood pressure and fatty liver are diminishing. I feel confident that i will live a longer life now. Prior to my life changing the doctors said i would not see my next birthday.
Another reason i am a vegan is because of the way animals are slaughtered. I could not beleive what I saw when I finally had the guts to look into this matter! Google the info for yourself. It took me nearly 50 years to finally open my eyes and see how God's creatures are handled in the name of "Dinner".

i am a vegetarian for soooo many reasons. i turned veggie 10/10/10 so i guess im kinda new... but its because i care for animals mostly. also.... at this point i cant imagine being a 'death eater' just seems creepy. and its weird because the animals were not only here first but they are snatched away from their true homes to be kept in zoos and farms and such just so we humans can have a place for ourselves. the LEAST we can do is not eat them... and people hunt too to lower the population of deer, rabbits, etc. so that's another point. and this is a personal thing i love the summer the most because that's when everything is lively like trees and insects its just beautiful. and i dislike winter because everything seems dead. so i guess i just love life and would like the animals to have theirs too.
and also... the way animals are treated in slaughter houses is pure abuse. they are raised under harsh conditions just to die. at least in the olden times they got to live their lives the right way before being killed, if life has become modern then can't we change too? yes i understand humans used to eat meat in the past because it was 'natural' and if they didn't we probably wont even make it here.... but that was the past! that was our only choice! now when we have an option to comfortably survive without killing animals why not?!? trust me, the people who say 'its life' etc. are just looking for excuses.... their real 'reason' is just that they like how it tastes. how would you feel if a giant monster came in to kill you just to eat you when you're screaming "there's food right there!" and the monsters like "but you would make a good topping" and he kills you... everything you are is gone in a flash. cuz the monster wanted some flavor... ugh.

like i understand how some families don't really cook anything but meat and that's how they are. and my family, since we're Indian, make Indian food which is 100% vegetarian so i have the golden opportunity... but at least the ones who don't can buy the meat from a safe place that doesn't abuse animals (basically not the places mentioned in food inc.) and most importantly... respect the animals. take only what you need from it man.

im not a vegetarian because i feel that we have to eat something. It is very hard to not eat meat and still have a balanced diet. Animals eat other animals too, so why cant we? Also, the Native Americans did, and they did not waste any part of the animal. So, if we do that today, it is the same thing.

It's not something that I see as necessary nor compelling enough for me to choose. All the arguments for it are not convincing because I prefer my information to be based on facts not fiction or hearsay or easily disputed studies by groups who don't have enough credibility.

I'm not a vegetarian because I love meat.

I, however, don't like the animosity that seems to exist between vegetarians and meat-eaters. Everyone should just eat what they want to, and not worry about what others eat.

I'm not a vegetarian.... well..... Mainly because I've never really thought about being one. But I think you need certain meets to stay healthy
But red meat isn't too good for you....

But if someone else is vegetarian, I totally encourage them :) As long as they're healthy

I tryed it for health reasons and it stuck with me, its not too hard but i live in a City where alot of people are Vegetarians so easy to get food that has all the stuff i need.

i tell people to try it, it wont kill you

I'm not a vegetarian because our species is omnivorous, and it seems weird and unnatural to completely avoid eating meat or vegetables, besides being unhealthy.

Plus, I don't think I could give up bacon :)

I'm a vegan because I've seen how slaughterhouses and other animal production places treat these innocent creatures. I don't feel comfortable supporting something like that. :\


I eat a lot of vegetarian food, but I'm not one. It's easier not being one, at least for me; and meat tastes good.

I have absolutely no moral opinion on the matter.

I'm not vegetarian, just eat what I feel like eating but my cravings are usually non-meat.

I am not a vegetarian, because meat tastes ******* delicious.

I'm vegetarian because I don't want to eat animals.

I'm not, because I'm too lazy to have a balanced diet without eating meat.

Im a Semi vegan, because meat stinks and I don't want to kill my friends.

It's a natural and healthy way to live.

I'm not a vegetarian because humans are natural omnivores. We've been eating meat ever since our ancestors got smart and fast enough to catch it. It's our natural diet. We need Vitamin B12. It's not available in ANY plant food, so humans must supplement for it if they don't eat animal products. You can take pills, shots or eat highly processed foods fortified with B12. I choose to eat the most natural way possible. I eat meat along with veggies and fruit.


Our nature is to eat meat, so I eat meat, I think that anyone who doesn't is against nature.

As long as vegetarians keep quite about it and don't brag or go on I don't care to much but its the ones that are like "OH I CANT TOUCH THAT ITS GOT MEAT D=" I just want to punch so hard in the face.

Vegans are even worse I just want to punch them for being a vegan.


I'm not vegetarian because humans were made to eat me. I only eat organic meats and vegetables, though, and free range meats. Most of the time we get them from this farm. It is expensive but worth it.

I am not a vegetarian because I love meat. I think vegetarians have a screw loose.

i am because i hate meat and i don't think killing an innocent animal is a good idea. What if someone tried to eat you? How would you feel?

I am not a vegetarian because I eat the way my body was designed to eat, like an omnivore.

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