Is it ethical to eat an animal for food and for taste?!

Question: Is it ethical to eat an animal for food and for taste?
Provide a reasoned argument to support the answer.


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Prehistoric men who lived in frozen geographies or who lived in an area that became devastated by fire, would have eaten anything to survive.

Biologists will tell us we're really not designed to eat meat but we adapted to it so eating the products of the earth, like plants, grains and fruits that they could gather and eat would have seemed the natural order of things.
Also the science shows that the more meat we eat, the sicker we get - heart disease, cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, and every other major degenerative disease. If eating meat were so natural, it wouldn't destroy our health.

Some points I've found that human are not believed to be meat eater:
Our so-called "canine teeth" are "canine" in name only. Other plant-eaters (like gorillas, horses, and hippos) have "canines", and chimps, who are almost exclusively vegan, have massive canines compared to ours.
Our early ancestors from at least four million years ago were almost exclusively vegetarian.
Our omnivorism means we're capable of eating meat (useful from a survival standpoint if that's all that's available) but our bodies aren't geared for it to be a normal, significant part of our diets.
The animals most similar to us, the other primates, eat an almost exclusively vegan diet (and their main non-plant food often isn't meat, it's termites).
Our teeth, saliva, stomach acid, and intestines are most similar to other plant-eaters and dissimilar to carnivores and true omnivores.
Among animals, plant-eaters have the longest lifespans and humans are certainly in that category (and yes, this was true even before modern medicine).
We sleep about the same amount of time as other herbivores and less than carnivores and true omnivores.

I believe in most places on earth now that its not ethical to eat meat for food or survival although in some cases are still true but most people like us who have a choice are eating it for the taste otherwise we won't have so many different cooking style and recipes for meat.

I eat both meat and plants so speaking for myself, I eat meat for taste.

I believe that it is based on personal justification, not ethics. Some people see it as wrong to eat meat because you have to kill an animal to obtain it. That is their personal justification to not eat meat. I grew up on a farm and we struggled to eat and if we had to kill animals to put food on the table then we did it. That's my personal justification. Carnivores eat meat and herbivores eat plants. Its just that simple for them cause they're animals. That's just what they do. As humans we have the capabilities to choose and rationalize our choice by any means we see fit.

People are already misreading this question & confusing our ability to digest meat with the ethics of eating it, just cause we can eat meat doesn't make it ethical. A simple example would be being able to digest human meat (which we can ie cannibalism) doesn't make it ethical. So no your premisis to argue meat consumption is easily nullified by my simple example of how that cannot apply across the board.

You will honestly be hard pushed to find reasons off the average person the 3 main arguements are
1) ''live life, try new foods meat is tasty & i enjoy it''
2) ''farm animals would die out if we released them ergo it is just to kill them anyways''
3) ''its part of our history & nutrition''

***I dont understand why i've thumbs down? The question asked whether it is ethical (ie moral related of good/evil/right/just/wrong etc) & i've simply given a reason against his logic of eating it for purely food & taste.
That is not to say that i'm 100% correct but his line of thinking is wrong. Its what philosophers point out in other philosophies (a socratic method of questioning & answering essentially)

The first 2 are easily disproved, the third one is simply a statement that doesn't address the ethics of it. Its like war some guy once said '' you don't have to justify not going to war, you have to justify going to war'' (along those lines).
Similarly vegetarians stand with that stance.

people have differ ant ideas on whats ethical so its more of a personal thing. for myself it would be no.i cant justify the taking of an animals life for my pleasure. and if people new what pain these animals went through before there even killed then maybe they wouldn't either. if you want to see what i mean look on peta website or warned its sickening.

No is is not unethical to eat animals for food. Meat tastes good and provides ample protein. I object to factory animals and some of the horrendous ways animals are treated but the law of nature suggests that we should eat meat.

No. It is not ethical to cause suffering. Causing suffering because you fancy eating a sentient being is beyond unethical. It is insane.

There are too many starving children in the world. Until we can fix that then I don't see how the ethics of where we get food makes any difference at all.

Vegetarian -the real kind- I dont eat animals

Plant eater have flat teeth....
Meat eaters have sharp teeth....
Humans have both so in my opinion yes it is reasonable.

THINK about it for 5 minutes, and you come with many arguments against, murder and torture of animals

Meat it yummyy(:

We have evolved to digest animal and plant material and even learned to cook it to make it easier to digest or release more energy for less effort. We also evolved taste as a means to tell whether these foods are fit for consumption or not. Eating meat is natural for us and ethical.

edit: On the other hand, for a person to claim they are vegan and yet eat vegetable food created by non-vegan farmers is totally unethical. Further, to use any product which has been manufactured/services provided by people who use animals for food or other purposes is surely hypocritical, because they are indirectly benefiting from the animal's death. Many times, every minute of every day. How can people live a life denying the responsibility for the secondary use of animals?

Whats more important is the standards we accept for raising, moving and killing animals.

Well we wouldn't be here without it. We evolved to eat meat. Humans have been eating meat for Hundreds of Thousands of years. In cold climates and climates with seasons it was a MUST to eat meat or die. Animals eating animals is just how it works. There is No living life-form that doesn't exist at the expense of another life-form. For something to live, something else HAS to die, from plants, to animals, to micro organisms. Its just how it works.

The only way veg*ns can live their lifestyle is because they have money to buy food from their local Mega Mart fully stocked with all the food they need. MANY people in the world don't have this luxury. They HAVE to eat anything they can just to survive. Tell them eating meat is not ethical.

Logic, Nature, Common Sense

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