The great debate: Which diet is healthiest?!

Question: The great debate: Which diet is healthiest?
This isn't to start a war, I'm just curious about peoples choices in the type of diet they consume. I am not a vegetarian, I do eat meat. I however eat it proper portion sizes. I personally believe there is very little difference between either diet as long as each diet ensures that the person receives all proper nutrients with an out excess of poor quality food.

What are your pros and cons for meat products or veganism?


Both can be healthy. Vegan diets just take more thought and planning.

That's really stupid of those people to only mention positive diets associated with eating meat and then imply vegetarians only eat starches, sweet foods, etc. Plenty of meat eaters don't eat healthy, and probably many vegetarians don't either.

Not everyone is vegetarian for health reasons, and I get really sick of all these people talking about what's natural or healthy and mainly using that to denounce these diets. It's not all about health for people. Why do they care so much if a person doesn't want to eat animals? Not everyone wants to take supplements or eat fortified foods. Well, that's your prerogative. You don't feel as strongly morally about animals than people who do get those nutrients elsewhere, but don't use the fact it's not the most natural way against those who do care enough to find different sources.

^Not directed at you, the asker..

And both can be healthy with the right planning and combinations of least that's what I believe..

I'm not really going to radically believe all meat is so bad for a person and unnatural like other vegs. if they don't overdo it, eat the right kind of meat, and get a variety of other foods.

Both diets are capable of being healthy, but I personally think that veganism is just healthier because it's easier to manage and vegans tend to be more concerned about their health. For meat meat eaters you have to pay extra attention to your proportions.
Actually, the fat that comes in meat isn't very healthy. The omega-3 fatty acids are in olive oil and canola oil, not in a cow's fat. And vitamin B12 is actually found among bacteria and in the soil, so it's actually on vegetables when we harvest them. But since we wash vegetables excessively before consumption, we wash off all the B12. Cows and pigs are fed the vegetables without them being washed off, which feeds them the B12.
Honestly the only pro I see for eating meat is convenience. It's easier to just go buy a hamburger from McDonald's rather than the grocery store and buy a bunch of ingredients to go home and steam a healthy meal.
But all in all, I think vegans tend to be healthier.

It really all depends on moderation. Also, don't eat tons of junk.
I'm a vegetarian and get plenty of protein.

My pros of being a vegetarian? I don't eat flesh .. I feel better.

(not directed toward you) I don't get why people always have to bring this argument up. Unless people are trying to lose weight and really need to know why do they care what other people eat? I don't care that people eat meat... ( sorry haha, had to say that)

According to Gustav Schlikeysen it is fruitarianism, as the natural diet of humans. Victoria Boutenko says raw food, including greens. Humans, before being carnivores ate raw foods. There's a chart that compares hervibore, carnivore and omnivore animals and humans. We share the same characteristics as hervibores. As I observe nature, I think veganism, predominating raw food is the healthiest. You live longer, better and healthier.

@Daisy: B12 comes from the sun as well. & what proffesionals are you referring to?

The best diet is the one with more variety of foods. This would make an omnivore diet the best, if done correct of course. Lots of fruits & vegetables, also whole grains, nuts, legumes, and fresh lean meat eaten in moderation. There have been Billions upon Billions of people eat this diet and live a healthy long life.

Vegetarianism healthier, but only if you get enough protein. Besides protein, meat isn't good for you.
EDIT: I just eat meat becaue of the taste - I can't give it up :P

2 liters evian n 4 clementines n 2 blue bottle coffees then 4 fillets dover sole meuniere.
sundays brunch bruschetta on panera french baguette instead of the fish.
im vegan but i eat that 1 fish to get protein duh haha

A vegan diet is the healthiest.

LOL! There's no real debate.

Humans evolved eating animal products. We've been eating meat ever since we got smart/fast enough to catch it. We need vitamin B12. B12 is NOT available in plants. So obviously animal products (including meat) are part of our "natural" diet.

When I last sat in a doctor's office, there was a chart on the wall with the top risks for heart disease. Diet was not even mentioned. Genetics, drinking, smoking, exercise, and environment were the top dangers for heart disease.

No diet is perfect for everyone, but most professionals encourage a balanced diet: some meat, veggies and fruit. Not so many grains and processed starches, sweet drinks or fattening deserts.

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