Settle an argument for me? Omnivore or Herbivore?!

Question: Settle an argument for me? Omnivore or Herbivore?
I'm a lacto-ovo vegetarian and my brother thinks that makes me an herbivore. I keep telling him herbivores do not eat eggs. Or milk! Who is right? Am I an omnivore or an herbivore?


All mammalian herbivores drink milk in infancy, but eggs do make you an omnivore in the animal world. Good question. :)

Well, guess you would be neither. You're a Lacto-ovo vegetarian.
Technically, humans are classified as omnivores speaking scientifically. So your a omnivore (according to your scientific makeup) but you're a vegetarian (according to what you actually eat).
Although I personally think we were herbivores in the beginning and evolved into being omnivores.

An animal's classification as an omnivore or an herbivore is based on its anatomy and physiology, not its dietary choices.

A lion that eats a strawberry is still a carnivore, and a deer that eats a dead rabbit out of starvation is still an herbivore.

Anatomically and physiologically, humans are omnivores.

If you eat eggs or dairy you are an Omnivore. If you follow a vegan diet then you are following a diet of a Herbivore. Vegetarian diet is still an Omnivorous diet if they eat eggs and/or drink milk.

Im an Omnivore

Whether you eat meat or not, you're still an omnivore. Your chose diet doesn't change your biology. And you're biologically capable of digesting meat/veggies.

All humans are omnivores, because we have options.

You're not an herbivores.

Eating eggs is predation, albeit scavenging. You are therefore an omnivore.

An omnivore eats both plant and animal matter.




You're right (you're not a herbivore).

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