I am a vegan buy I eat eggs and cheese and fish?!

Question: I am a vegan buy I eat eggs and cheese and fish?
and sometimes red meat on rare occasions and my cousin keeps telling me I am not a vegan at all but I think I am who is right?


Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

It all depends on what your definition of vegan is.

You're not a vegan or a vegetarian.

You're an omnivore who has a reduced meat consumption.

If you want to be a vegetarian, you will have to cut out all meat, fish, seafood, and poultry. Eggs, dairy, and honey are okay.

If you want to be a vegan, you will have to cut out all meat, fish, seafood, poultry, dairy, eggs, and honey.

If you're interested in trying out some vegetarian products, go to a whole food store/health food store or a big chain supermarket like Pathmark, Stop & Shop, Shop Rite, or Foodtown, and go to the frozen food, produce, and canned products aisles.

Boca, Morningstar Farms, Lightlife, Veggie Patch, Amy's Kitchen, Annie's Homegrown, Tofurky, Tofutti, Quorn, Worthington, and Yves are brands of vegetarian products. They make great mock meats, pasta, burritos, and entrees.

Burgerking has a BK Veggie burger. Subway has a veggie patty sub.

Make sure you consume cereal and soy milk or rice milk for Vitamin B12.


You aren't even a vegetarian if you read red meat occasionally! If people are going to be a vegetarian then I think they have to do it right and that means not even eating things with gelatine in it like certain sweets and deserts. Otherwise what is the point?

I think to turn a vegetarian or vegan people should always do the research before hand and maybe even do it gradually since it is a huge life style change.

And vegans don't eat any animal products including dairy. So you wouldn't be a vegan either if you are eating fish and dairy products as well.

I hope youre joking, because if not you must be really dense, or you must have some omnivore friends with a weird since or humor. You're not vegan, or even vegetarian for that matter. Vegans don't eat any type of flesh, or animal by-product. (No beef, pork, chicken, turkey,fish, eggs, dairy, honey, nothing.)
Vegetarians don't eat any meat/flesh. (No beef, pork, chicken, turkey, fish)
I suppose you could be considered an ovo-lacto-pescatarian...except you said you eat red meat sometimes, which makes you a total omnivore.

You are not a vegan. You are not even a vegetarian. Vegans don't eat or use any animal products. Vegetarians don't eat meat.

It doesn't matter if you self-identify as a vegan, you still aren't one.

I could self-identify as British, but that doesn't change the reality that I am not.
The only difference is that you CAN become a vegan.

No. You are not a vegan. Your cousin is right.

If you don't eat:
meat/fish -> vegetarian
meat/fish AND dairy products (milk, cheese, yogurt, etc.) -> vegan
meat (but you do eat fish) -> pescetarian

To be a vegan you COULD NOT EAT dairy products (because they were made by animals), meat (beef, pork, etc.) or fish. You couldn't even eat cookies, ice cream, some breads, and ANYTHING that might contain dairy products.

You are in no way a vegan. Not even close. Calling yourself a vegan is LAUGHABLE and a LIE.

Hey Henry, by Definition your cousin is right on this one. pescetarian might work better or that you eat a vegetarian diet most of the time. The red meat doesn't fit into any of those categories. A vegan is a much more strict label as it requires a whole bunch of other things aside from diet. have a great day.

No, you're not. You would continuously be starting over as a vegan every time you eat an animal product. I'm guessing you're technically vegan for about 6 hours then you eat a burger? Then you're vegan again for 18 hours but then you eat cheese?
Why are you so desperate for the title?

I don't drink and identify myself as tee-total. Well, apart from beer, wine and whisky, obviously.

If you claim to eat red meat and call yourself a vegan, you're either a troll or an idiot. I suspect the former.

You can call yourself anything you like. To quote my favorite Prof from college "Just because you believe it doesn't mean it is true." I had patients who self identified as Jesus Christ. It didn't make them Him either. So feel free to call yourself what you want. Just don't be surprised and hurt when no one else believes you.

You're cousin is right. Vegans don't eat anything that came from an animal



You are not a vegan since you eat things that use animal products. You couldn't even call your self a vegetarian since you eat meat too. Why do you self identify as a vegan? that makes no since whatsoever.

You are not a vegan. You are not even near the vicinity of being a vegetarian. Please stopping considering yourself a vegan and calling yourself one immediately.

vegan :D

If you want to label yourself according to your eating habits,I'd recommend "sometimes pescetarian". Vegans do not consume milk & egg products, fish, honey, etc.

your are not even vegetarian never mind vegan. A vegetarian does not eat any meat or fish but they do eat cheese, milk, honey, eggs

You are NOT a vegan, vegans do not eat anything from animals (including eggs, cheese, and yeah fish IS an animal)

Please never call yourself a vegan because that is a false fact!

u ain't vegan mate and if u eat meat - even on rare occasions, then u ain't vegetarian either. you need to do some research and educate yourself !!

Really people didn't get this persyn is trolling? DON'T FEED THE TROLLS! REPORT THEM AND IGNORE THEM!

Vegan because animals are not property and troll buster

how did you ever come up with calling yourself "vegan" in the first place? seriously lol that'd be me saying, i'm a conservative voter.... ????

by definition vegans don't eat any animal products...so your cousin is 100% correct

Then you cannot accurately describe yourself as a vegan..

Vegans dont eat animal products.

Your cousin is right.

Nope your not vegan.


Vegans don't use any animal products. You're not a vegan.

You're not even a vegetarian.

your cousin is right, you're not at all a vegan or a vegetarian..

Your cousins a smart dude. There is no such thing as a sometimes vegan.

Your cousin

Your Cousin. If you eat meat then you cheat.

I am a vegan but I eat troll for breakfast

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