Is vegetarian diet better for your health?!

Question: Is vegetarian diet better for your health?
In other words is a plant based diet a better diet to eat than one that includes animal products?


Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

yes, plant based diets are much better for your health then animal based. They are better becauseit cuts down on ilnesses such as obesity,heart disease, asthma, diabetes and osteoporosis. You should already know this, but these are very serious health issues. These illnesses are bad for your physical shape and yout quality of life, believe me i become a temporary vegetarian every now and then.

hey, if you pick this as best answer plz tell me why you picked it, like how did it help you and stuff like that, i wanna improve my knowledge.


No. IF you pay proper attention to your vegetarian diet and include eggs and dairy products, you can possibly be healthy. But it does require special attention. Most people in the USA are healthy and happy and 99% of them eat meat.

Veg*ns like to tell you it's easy to get protein on a veg*n diet, but a vegan nutritionist says:
"Legumes, quinoa, and pistachios are the only plants foods high in the amino acid lysine. If you are not eating them every day, you might be falling short of lysine needs."

How many of you eat those things every day?

Plant based foods especially vegetables and fruits are are what nature offered us to survive. Meat is altogether the concentrated source of energy that animals accumulate on plant products. Think no fish produce omega-3 fats but they are enriched with omega-3 by eating blue-green algae deep in the sea.

Cereals, pulses, nuts and seeds are also rich in energy; indeed some seeds and nuts like almonds, soy are even have better nutrition profile than animal products.

In addition, meat does not contain vitamin C, folates, carotenes, xanthins which are very essential to survive. Several million population in south-east and south asia practice vegetarianism for centuries and they are having less incidences of diabetes, hypertension, obesity, cancers, neurological diseases etc.

Vegetarian food is good in fiber, anti-oxidants, minerals and vitamins. Meat is only rich in some minerals, vitamin B-12 and protein. However you can get them by eating plant products. Vitamin B-12 is available even in pure vegetarian from gut bacteria in small but in enough quantities to survive.…

it is healthier, but it also can be dangerous. if you don't keep up with your diet the lack of iron and protein can damage your body. you have to make sure you know what your doing, being a vegetarian has put me in control of my life, i weigh less (not too skinny either) and i feel fine. :) it all depends on the person and how well they do with keeping up with their diet. at first it might be hard to have a "less known" diet especially on what kind of place you live in. eating out might be a bit hard at first, but not impossible. vegetarianism is a bit more well known than it was. so there is quite a large variety of things that a person interested in becoming a vegetarian may choose from. the diet may be difficult to get use to, but it is something that can be done easily at the same time. plus you do get to try some interesting foods that is rich in flavor, and a lot healthier than hamburger on a bun.
also, if you take care of your diet. your more likely going to eat healthier. this will help your blood pressure, it can help prevent heart diseases, and obesity. edamame beans are one of my favorite things, and they are believed to help fight against heart disease, various cancers and of less terminally dangerous health issues. plus they are rich in protein.
just incase you want more information on the beans also i havent read the bottom one, but i believe they have some things about health benifets on there.
and one that should help warn you of the risks.

Yes. Why do you think doctors are allways telling people to cut out meat? We're less likly to get achne,food poisoning,we have less body odor, we live ten years longer,33 percent less likly to be obeese, 40 percent less likly to get cancer,50 percent less likly to get heart disease,80 percent less likly to get diobeties and meat takes 18 hours to mooce through you.


If you're the average American, yes. Meat isn't the only source of protein, so you'll have to clarify to what extent "vegetarian." Beans and rice, a dinner favorite of mine growing up, provides all the essential amino acids. I would say a plant-based diet would be best for someone whose lifestyle does not require high protein intake, or does not require that their bodies have that layer of fat that stores energy, provides warmth, etc.

In a list of 50 foods that wil provide you with vitamins, proteins, antioxidants..
The first kind of meat (salmon) was number 25.
Before that it was all vegetables.
Spinach and sprouts are very good for you.
Meat is very bad as the high amount of cholestrol in it will just turn in to your cholestrol.
People deny this and make excuses because they enjoy meat and convince themselves they need it to survive. In fact cavemen barely ever had meat but ate over 300 plants, they very rarely caught a beast and ate it..
And if they did they used every part and didn't just torture it like people in abbatoirs do.
You don't need to find other things to get iron you get barely any from meat anyway.
You'll get ten times more out of a bowl of spinach than a piece of steak.


It depends on what food(s) you replace meat with. If you replace meat with highly processed soy products and junk food, then no, you won't be healthier. If you replace meat with beans, grains, nuts, and eggs, then yes, you could be healthier.

Vegetarian since birth

Im a vegetarian but, when you become one you must eat high protein things in order to keep your protein up. So its sorta better for you but.. you kinda need the meat. I just can't stand knowing I'm eating something that once walked *shivers* ewww.....

Yes it is actually.
You can google some facts about it,but here is a link:…

I'm a vegetarian, and I feel healthier since day 1.

Yes it can be, if you do it right

A healthy, organic whole foods diet is healthy. Vegetarian diets are not natural fro humans and not healthy.

Yes, of course it is.

A vegetarian diet doesnt kill millions of people every year, a meat diet does.

More information :-…

A vegetarian diet has made me feel 10x's healthier. I've lost weight and kept it off. I have more energy and I just feel all around better about myself.

I've been a vegetarian for 12 years. It's made no difference in my health. I think I may start eating fish.

Only if you feel like having a cold every two weeks.


Veggies are okay as long as not too much. You still need protein too.

It would be, but you must have protein.

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