how to get vegan friends off my back?!

Question: How to get vegan friends off my back?
I can no longer afford my vegan lifestyle i'm a broke college student that just lost her job vegan substitutes are soooo much more expensive seriously and I've read all the books that are supposed to help u become an "economic vegan" the thing is I've already been doing most of the things the books says , i cant afford to go to specialty stores and farmers markets all the time and you can't find a lot at the regular grocery stores so after 5months of being a vegan im going back to being a lacto ovo vegetarian , the only problem is my vegan friends(and boyfriend) are giving me lots of grief for my decision, like a friend of mine saying that i'm guna get fat if i keep eating dairy or my boyfriend saying that he doesn't wanna kiss a girl that's eats eggs. its so stupid i mean i don't see why what i eat should qualify as any ones business but my own (don't give me the speech about factory farming either i heard it a million times) how to i just get them to leave me(and my eating habits) alone?!


Tell them that as Vegans who are criticized by society, that they should know how bad it feels to be verbally abused, mocked, or criticized. Veganism is a lifestyle of compassion, and it sounds to me as if your friends do no know the meaning of the word. As people who are misunderstood, they should try to be understanding, right?

If they're your friends, they'll respect you regardless of what you choose. I personally would recommend you staying vegan and buying cheaper whole and raw foods instead of expensive meat and dairy alternatives. But if you choose not to, then fine. Tell your "friends" that making you feel crappy about it wont make you want to be a vegan even more. Let them know their pushing you further away.


I would say, "I appreciate your concern for my health and diet, but this is my decision and I would like you to just be my friend and support that. If you can't then I'd prefer not to hang out with you. I have my reasons for doing this, so please stop judging me."
That'll probably send them the message. It gets the point across without being mean.

Um. Stop eating "replacement" foods.
Faux milk, meat, cheese, etc is expensive and unneccessary.

It's your decision, but don't pretend you have to eat any of that to be vegan.

~vegan, 4 years~

Your claim that the Vegan lifestyle is more expensive than being a sociopathic meat -eating animal abuser is false. Nice try but we're wise to your game. You are not and have never been a Vegan, or any sort of decent human being

Your friends need to treat you with respect. You aren't going to tell them what to eat and they shouldn't tell you what to eat. If they can't agree to disagree then you'll need to find better friends.

Tell them that since you can't afford the lifestyle anymore, but they want you to continue being a vegan, then they can feed you your meals.

You don't need specialty foods to be a vegan.

Brown rice
Whole grain pastas

The most expensive things would be the milk alterniatives.

I don't know that you really tried. I am not a vegan or vegitarian but it if it what you feel strongly about then do it.

If you still need to go lacto over vegitarian then tell your friends to back off, you gotta do what you gotta do.

And true friends will not constantly ride you about your choice of veganism/ vegtiraianism.

Real friends want to be friend becuase they like YOU

OUCH! that would be awful, i would explain to them why you did so, and do you plan to be vegan again after college or if you get a job again? if so, try telling them that. if they don't listen i would tell them unless they are going to buy you the food that you cant afford currently to let you make your own decisions and tell them at least you are still a vegetarian. they should at least appreciate that you haven't gone carnivore on them. and for the boyfriend part, i don't have any idea why that's such a big deal. but i would tell him not to worry, you brushed your teeth so there shouldn't be a problem. but that's all i can think of. sorry to hear that though. i agree, it is very stupid of them to barge in on your life and your decision, they should be able to respect you and your choices, what you eat is not going to change you. you still have the same morals and personality ( i am assuming).. they shouldn't care about that, they are friends with you, not the vegan you were. maybe you need to remind them that.. (?)
i hope things improve for you. :)

Switch to meat.

Do you really want intolerant morons as friends?

Wow... 7 bunny rabbits I'm going to kill and eat for all those thumbs down.

It's totally worth it. Might as well go all out, have some beef. 69 cent meat tacos at Taco Bell. 14 cent beef Ramen Noodles.

Beef eating champion.

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