What are your opinion of animal testing?!

Question: What are your opinion of animal testing?
Doing a pursuasive speech of animal testing and im gona go against it
but i just waant your opinions
so thanks you if you answer the question :}


Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

I personally think animal experimentation is wrong, on both moral and scientific grounds.

Morally, it is often extremely cruel and completely unnecessary - for example, I once saw some undercover footage from a laboratory in which dogs were being force-fed weedkiller which had already been tested on humans. The dogs were given 50 times what had been established as a dangerous dose for humans - what possible reason could there have been for this? The 'scientists' involved were clearly either seriously lacking in training or were just plain idiots, because one of them accidentally inserted the tube delivering the weedkiller into the dog's trachea rather than its oesophagus, filling its lungs with fluid. Barbaric.

Scientifically, testing things on animals is unreliable and potentially dangerous. Animals react differently to humans to many substances, rendering many tests pointless. For example, a contraceptive called Tamoxifen was once developed which was tested on rats. It worked as intended, and was given to humans. However, it had the opposite effect on women, actually increasing their fertility!

There are many other examples, some of which had much more harmful consequences. I don't know if you remember it, but a couple of years ago a drug called TGN1412 was tested on some human volunteers, and very nearly killed them - they were on life support for some time, and were left with permanent health problems. Prior to being given to these people, this drug had already been tested on monkeys at a dose 500 times stronger than that which was given to the humans, without causing the monkeys any ill effects. Aspirin causes birth defects in cats. Penicillin kills guinea pigs. 6-azauridine, a cancer drug which can be used in humans for long periods, will kill dogs in a few days in even small doses. The list goes on.

I realize that some people feel that animal testing is necessary and that the end justifies the means - these people are entitled to their opinion, but I do not share it, personally. I don't think a human's life should be considered more important than a dog's or a rat's or a monkey's - animals have just as much right to live as we do, and the right to live that life free of pain and misery. As noted philosopher Jeremy Bentham put it, the central question is not "Can they reason?" nor "Can they talk?", but "Can they suffer?" And obviously they can. Our greater intelligence gives us a responsibility to protect other species, not the right to use and abuse them for our own ends.

animal testing is a broad subject so you have to clarify what kind of testing you are referring to. "Animal testing" can include anything from dog food companies feeding new formulations to test dogs to food companies feeding products to a few animals to cosmetic companies testing their products (o tears shampoo, make up causing skin problems etc)_ to medical labs testing medicine/medical procedure efficacy to military ballistics testers using goats and pigs to test bullets effect etc.

I can only speak for two kinds with which I am familiar, animal testing for vanity products which I don't approve of and medical testing which I approve of and is mandated whether I do or not. One caveat is that while individual companies may say they do not test their products on animals. the individual ingredients may have been (by other companies) or that they may have sub contracted the testing to some other company that does. They themselves did not so they can make that loophole claim (often just for PR purposes). For example they will submit their end product to a consumer group that will test on animals. The manufacturer gets the results they want to get without doing the testing themselves.

Im against it. Its disgusting and should be banned.

Animal tested drugs have killed thousands of people and injured thousands more.

Here are some animal tested drug disasters


There is no need for testing cosmetics on animals, many companies have proven that.

I'm very much against animal testing for products such as cosmetic and cleaning materials, and I am against animal experimentation for its own sake.

Genuine medical research is a different and more difficult issue than testing unnecessary products on animals, and either saying that you are completely against it or that you wouldn't accept drugs tested on animals is to ignore a number of important issues.

I'm vegan, but I value human life way, way over animal life; and much as I wish there were alternatives to animal testing I'm not convinced that there are credible and reliable alternative ways to test many drugs and procedures. I wish there were but I'm not convinced. Sometimes we have to consider the lesser of two evils. Just saying 'I'm against animal testing' is too simplistic and naive, and it's too simplistic to argue that animals are not physically the same as us or that some drugs that have been found safe in animals have proved unsafe for humans. Most medical advances would not have taken place without animal testing.

I wish medicines weren't tested on animals. But I'm willing to bet that anyone who says theyre totally opposed to such drugs or that they'd never take such drugs has never been seriously ill or involved in a serious accident. In other words have never been in a life or death situation.

I'm vegan to minimise my personal contribution to animal suffering and exploitation as much as I can, but as I said, I value human life way over animal life. Including my own - I read last year of a drug that may reduce or prevent metastasis of the cancer I had, and am now in remission from. It was described as at 'the mouse stage'. If it ever proves effective and I'm still around, I certainly won't be boycotting it - anyone else who wants first place in the line will have to fight me for it.

It isn't a simple question of 'for or against'; sometimes we have to consider the lesser of two evils.

hi, last term I actually did a report on animal testing with slideshows. I believe it is wrong, but these products must be tested on something. mascara in the early 1900s and made several women blind. this caused the strat of animal testing. most animal testing is done on animals bred for this. only 5% actually come from pounds. 25% of the animals are large animals that they test on, such as dog's cats, horses, monkeys, etc. in europe there is a law that says any new products must be tested on at least 4 large animals before being put on the shelf. they are trying to lift it currently. tests that they preform are pumping harmful chemicals down animals throats, rubbings damaging amounts of products onto skin, and forcing animals to wear gas masks that allow gas to be inhaled. would you want your pet rabbit to be there? locked in a head shalft and at first, a burning sensation, then they rub more and more on. suddenly this is not a simple sensation, it is full blown pain, rocketing around your body. these animals scream with pain but these testers have ears trained to not feel sympathy. most of these rabbits break their necks tryig to get out of the headlock gear holding them there. can you imagine you doggy? lost then to the pound, then animal testing center? strapped down to a bloodied cart? panic filling his eyes as he sees the needles filled with toxins aboutto touch his flesh, his soft fur children seek to for comfort? sorry, if my typing is bad, I'm on my iPod, not computer. hope I help. google info too, and will you be choosing a best answer? ;D haha, it's okay, I just wanna help people see light on this matter. so many companies test on animals, I printed out 4 pages of just companies. pretty sad. hope your project is amazing. hope I helped.(:

I strongly disagree with it.

Most plants animals share between 50-60% the same DNA as us. So testing on the majority of animals is pointless. Primates(correct me if im wrong) share around 99% the same DNA as us. But still it is not 100%.

Still, saying all of that what angers me is for years many alternative health people have had permanent cures or equal treatment for the diseases that all the research is for. It all comes down to money and people always feeling like the 'system' has their own interest at heart. People are shocked, even angered when you tell them that you know people who have cured cancer by changing their diet, eating certain herbs etc The big companys will deny all of this though.

It is through pure selfishness what people want, they want to take a pill that will save them from a disease that is caused by their diets and lifestyles and years of this effecting their genes, they would rather take another life than changing their own lifestyle, i think it is wrong because of this.

The idea of putting an innocent creature in such pain purly for your own pleasure and money is discusting. We have other options. Please at your speach also remind the public if some non animal tested products like sleek and shine and others and mention all that happens (get info from earthlings)


100% against it and have been for a long time since I found out about it. It's wasteful, useless and inhumane. There is no place for it in today's society! Feel free to check out my website, I have a lot of resources regarding animal testing that could help you.


I am against it so I was and am still a volunteer to do some testing for medical purposes. Not everyone so coward to rely on poor animals to do something that benefits human.

I'm against it too since there are many alternatives to choose, I see no reasons why must it done on animals. Ain't human volunteers the best to test on since after all the end result is to benefits human only?!

It's wrong and so unneeded, many companies have products
where they don't test on animals- why shouldn't ALL companies do that?

careful, you will need a retort when the teacher asks if you would rather try experimental things on your family instead of knowing whether or not it will kill them first.

I know I'm going to get A LOT of flack for this, but I am for animal testing is cases of curing diseases (but not cosmetics.)
If it wasn't for animal testing, some diseases would still be rampant today.

Right now, I have several friends who are diagnosed with HIV, AIDS & cancer and animals testing is helping to find cures to alleviate these sicknesses. If it means that hundreds of thousands of human lives will be saved for the sacrifice of some bunnies, then it should be done.

I'm guessing most people who feel it's useless don't have anyone close to them that it affects. Trust me, if you or someone you loved could be saved by animal testing, I highly believe that you would be for it.

(Please keep your remarks toward me respectful. I have no qualms with reporting people.)

If you are willing to eat the animal, wear shoes made from the animal and use drugs derived from animals how could you argue that testing is any different?

I think its wrong. I think they should test things out on convicted serial killers and rapists. and I don't really mean that as a joke.

My opinion

If someone is against animal testing, NEVER go to a doctor or hospital again to benefit from these testings.

So... those of you who object to animal testing.... when do you leave for the lab?

it is bad.

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