five points for not having healthy eating in schools?!

Question: Five points for not having healthy eating in schools?
hi i need help for homework plz help


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if you want a reason not to have healthy eating, coke, pepsi, frito lay, smithfield make more money

I can give you more than five, sorry if you think I'm ranting.
1. School food is low in fat, but very high in sodium.
2. Sodium is really hard for the body to process, so the fat is better than the sodium.
3. Most schools just get frozen food and reheat it.
4. All the reheated packaged crap is disgusting.
5. All the fruit is from a can.
6. All the "Fresh" apples and oranges are all brown and bruised.
7. Technically the food is already bad for you, just not as bad.
Please note that this is at my school. Your school may be different.

My school lunches

Didn't you see that show where that guy was trying to bring healthy eating to school?
The biggest issue was cost.
Second was waste as a lot of the healthy food is fresh which means perishable. That increases transportation costs and reduces shelf life.
Kids throw away a lot of the food because they weren't raised to eat smart.

When I had to do a paper arguing that candy and soda machines should be allowed in school, I used the fact that students with diabetes or hypoglycemia may sometimes need a quick burst of sugar to keep their blood sugar from getting too low. Even those without such conditions might need to grab something to eat real quick if they didn't manage to get breakfast for whatever reason.

-in the elementary schools they had recess and eat healthy
but in middle and high... theres no recess but yet we still have to eat healthy... either bring back recess and keep us thin or let us not have to east healthy
-the school would make more money
-healthy food mainly taste bad
-so many extra additives
-kids would not leave campus for unhealthy food

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