Vegans, if the only animal product I ate was egg whites, would I have the same health problems as meat eaters?!

Question: Vegans, if the only animal product I ate was egg whites, would I have the same health problems as meat eaters?
You would be assuming that I'm not allergic to them and eat them every other day or so.


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That's a bunch of vegan bologna with no science to back it up, meat is perfectly healthy in moderation, overindulging in meat is not. The egg is not going to kill you sooner but the stress of worrying about everything you eat will. The figures vegan 'science' quote on how vegans are healthier and live longer is also misleading and flawed.

99% of the human world are meat eaters, of those 80% don't care about what they eat or exercise. Comparing the meat eaters as a whole to the vegan 1% of the population that has drastically altered their diets of which 80% care about what they eat is not a valid comparison. The simple fact that someone has deliberately chosen to go with an alternative diet means they are proactive with their health. A valid study would need to include an equal number of vegans and meat eaters, of which both groups spend an equal amount of effort eating a balanced diet.

Of course not.

An occasional egg product (and, frankly, occasional animal products in general) are not all harmful, and if acquired from healthy hens (the healthiest hens are those allowed to roam freely, eat bugs/etc. as is naturally indicated, receive a scratch feed, and are not given hormones or antibiotics, etc.) can be a quite healthy addition to diet.

The problem with animal consumption is in over-consumption. Animal proteins ARE more difficult for our bodies to digest than those sourced from plants, and ingesting them in vast quantities over time is what causes health problems to arise (particularly when accompanied by other poor lifestyle choices like lots of processed foods, lack of exercise, etc.).

It depends on what else you ate. If the rest of your diet consists of chips and Twinkies, obviously that's no healthier than eating a lot of meat. The main nutritional deficit of meat is lots of saturated fat-meat isn't the only source of that.
If the rest of your diet is healthy and balanced, there's no health reason not to eat whole eggs and low fat dairy in moderation. Even better if you can find cruelty free, safely produced sources.

So all meat eaters have health problems? lol Im a meat eater and Im in perfect health. There are Billions of meat eaters on this planet that are in perfect health. Fresh lean meat isn't bad for you, junk food and a lack of exercise is.

I dint know what makes you think egg whites would give u the same issues as meat - not consuming eggs is often a moral choice rather than a health one

cholesterol is a bad thing.

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