why do meat eaters die younger?!

Question: Why do meat eaters die younger?
i am a vegetarian and i just wanted to know


Because they're living a life of ingorance with unhealthy injections of chemicals, hormones, and guilt at every meal.

my veganism

It depends on the genetics of the person. Some inuits can subsist almost entirely off of meat and blubber (fat), and live to ripe old ages.

My family is primarily carnivorous and also long-lived. A balanced diet is what works for most people in the long run, not a restrictive one. Humans are naturally, after all, omnivores.

When it comes to athletics, I've noticed that vegetarians have a hard time maintaining health during training, regardless of supplements and plant protein replacements.

A variety of sources, but mostly the cycling community

Billions of people live long healthy lives eating meat. Out of the top ten recorded longest living people, ALL of them ate meat, some even drank and smoked. Fresh lean meat is very healthy. Fast foods, processed foods, soda, junk foods, and a lack of exercise is the problem.

May be their arteries are clogged with fats and they overload their kidneys with too much protein. And meat is acid-forming in the body which causes inflammation and many chronic diseases are set off by inflammation. Some forms of heart disease can be reversed by using a vegetarian only diet.

Because their diet is very unhealthy.

Its funny that meat eaters think meat is healthy yet it kills millions of people each year, plus it causes several deadly diseases.

They may or may not die younger but certain studies show they are more prone to certain diseases which may shorten their span such as colon cancer and a higher cholesterol level leading to stroke or heart attack.

I dont think they do Im a meat eater and Im 18, and have never had any problems caused by eating meat

Ive eaten meat for just over 18 yrs

Probably. But we enjoy our food 10,000,000 % more than you do. Shorter life? Maybe. But even still...I'd rather the quality of life be greater than the time length.

We actually dont... We live longer and healthier lives rich with fat and protein which the body requires.

Stick that in your peace pipe and smoke it hippie

my grandfather takes a shot of whiskey in the morning and eats nothing but meat. He eats veggies but once in a blue moon . He's 108 and walks 2 hours every morning so not true

It's a well-known fact that red meat isn't good for your heart. Maybe that has something to do with it?


They don't. Studies have shown that vegetarianism doesn't extend a person's age at all.

I've never heard this.

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