What vitamins should I take if I'm going to become vegan?!
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None. Please do not listen to the propaganda saying that vegans need to take supplements. All of your nutritional needs can be very easily met from a healthy diet.
vegan :D
Vitamin F(ruits and fibre and felafel)
Vitamin G(rains and greens and grapes and garlic and guavas)
Vitamin H(ummus and herbs)
Vitamin J(alape?os and jackfruits)
Vitamin L(egumes and lettuces and lemons and limes and leeks)
Vitamin M(olasses and mangoes and mangosteens and melons and mustard and millet and maize and macadamias)
Vitamin N(uts and nectarines)
Vitamin O(nions and oranges and okra and olives and oats)
Vitamin P(eanuts and pistachios and pecans and pine nuts and pineapples and pomegranates and potatoes and peaches)
Vitamin Q(uinoa and quinces)
Vitamin R(hubarb and rice and rye and rocket and radishes)
Vitamin S(eeds and sprouts and spinach and seitan and seaweed and sweet potatoes and strawberries and spices and salt)
Vitamin T(empeh and tofu and tomatoes and taro)
Vitamin V(egetables)
Vitamin W(ater and watermelons and walnuts and watercress and wheat and wheatgerm)
Vitamin Y(east and yeast extracts)
You're not going to be "deprived" of any vitamins by being a vegan. Just eat a good variety of foods. No need to take supplements.
Nature does not change, You can not get b 12 from a vegan diet. There are other nutrients in a vegan diet that are of poor quality, such as protein, iron, and vitamin A. A regular multivitamin once a day or even once a week will work.
There are too many holes in the vegan diet for me to even start. Here's a link to VEGAN nutritionist Dr. Jack Norris' VeganHealth page. Read it and you'll get a good start.
Vitamins C, A and E will be big ones. Also, be sure you are getting enough calcium and protien!
The whole idea is to get nutrients from your diet.
drink plenty of cactus juice