Why do some vegans claim a vegan diet is more "natural" than an omnivorous diet?!

Question: Why do some vegans claim a vegan diet is more "natural" than an omnivorous diet?
If it's so natural why do people need to do months of research and preparation as well as take nutritional supplements in order to avoid falling ill while on a vegan diet? Why would the diet that nature intended for us require so much preparation and nutritional supplements?


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Because they are misinformed. The source for the food you eat is natural. Not the way you eat it or what you eat. It is natural if it is organic. Technically it is natural as long as it is not genetically modified. An omnivore can me more natural. It just depends on the food they eat.

Months of research? Not so sure about that. Some people may need to do research b/c most people are looking to eat a proper diet, and had not been doing so before. Before cutting out meat my diet was terrible, it was not balanced properly, and I really had no idea that it wasn't.

When I took meat out of my diet I wanted to eat healthier, but like most people I had no idea what that meant. I didn't do months of research, I simply researched different recipes, and how to properly create a healthy diet(which is something every person should be doing). The more educated a person is about nutrition, the better able they are to eat a proper diet.

As for supplement, I don't take any, and many other people do not either. I get all the nutrients I need from food. Also, the supplement industry is geared toward the average eater. The majority of supplements are not even vegetarian, much less vegan, therefore they would be for someone who eats meat. I was at one point taking vitamins(a simply multi, since I had been taking them as a meat eater). When I had to switch to a vegan multi I had to go to a vitamin store just to find some, all the vitamins sold in regular stores(cvs, grocery stores, target, etc) contained animal by products.

The average should be researching how to eat properly, weather they eat meat or not. Most people have no clue about nutrition, which is why there is obesity, health issues related to diet, etc.

Because of the lack of antibiotics and steroids in it? Veganism requires some research, sure, but not "months"-and I know of no preparation required other than perhaps mental prep to commit to such a lifestle change. I have known/know many vegans and few of them require supplements or are frequently ill. The diet takes some thought but once you get into a routine, it's no more difficult than swinging through the fast food drive thru.

Months of research? LOL, thats complete rubbish. Before i became vegan i didnt do months of research and im getting on fine.

Take nutritional supplements to avoid falling ill? LOL, again, complete rubbish. I dont take any supplements and im in great health.

You are obviously brainwashed by the meat industry, lol.

Edit: Diane - Its people like you that confuse people about vegetarianism.

You obviously dont even know what a vegetarian means and you want a nice little label.

Vegetarians dont eat animals, people that do are meat eaters, like yourself.

You should learn the definition of a word before you call yourself it.



Well a vegan diet is not natural, I have seen many questions and answers in this section like, what do i eat? what can i eat? what do you eat? what is a vegan? Many people on here are doing research to become vegan. The only way people can be vegans is because they have money and fully stocked grocery stores full of all the food they need. I wouldn't say that's natural. Also the human animal is an omnivore. Take the grocery store and money away and put those same people out in a natural environment (in the wild) and these same people wouldn't be vegans. They would have to eat whatever they could to survive. If it was death or eat some meat everyone would choose meat. This is really how some people live still today.

I've been told since I was a little girl that I should include meat in my diet as a source of:

* Protein
* Essential fats/oils
* B12
* Iron

My source of these nutrients was based on this. I never needed to read "How to Have a Balanced Omnivorous Diet in 10 Easy Steps" because I'd been taught through my mom's example already.

When you cut meat out of your diet, you have to have other sources of these nutrients, thus the need for a few hours of research (NOT months). If I'd been raised as a vegan, I'd have to research on how to balance an omnivorous diet should I decide to follow one.

The only supplement a vegan needs is B12. A human's need for this vitamin is very low, as the body reuses it over and over again. In fact, a person can go for years without replenishing it through food... so, I hardly see our need for this nutrient as "proof" that we must eat a Big Mac with every meal.

What they are doing is months of de-brainwashing.
There is no need to take nutritional supplements.
Nature did not intend for us to live surrounded by concrete devoid of... nature.
That's the whole problem, my friend, we've become disconnected with nature, to the point that we are confused. Most people have never seen an actual vegetable growing in actual soil. This is why people find themselves doing research in order to find out just where their food comes from and just why it is that they eat what they eat. The more they learn, the more their eyes are opened.

I think most people just dive right into it. They feel great for the first few months, but that's more because they've eliminated all of the junk out of their diet than by not eating meat any more. Only when they start having health problems or read about potential ones in health magazines, do they start researching about it online. Humans haven't had nearly enough time to develop the ability to extract ALL of their nutrition from plants. You don't have to eat a steak with every meal, but a few ounces of animal protein every day is what keeps your nervous system functioning properly. All the veg oils in the world can't replace animal fats.

I've asked the same thing you did and my question was deleted. One wonders why this board isn't under "Diet and Fitness" instead of it being under "Food and Drink" like it is now. Just like they have the Muslim board under "Holidays>Ramadan" instead of "Religion". Is veg*nism a diet? Is it a lifestyle? Both? Hmm....

Also, why are 90% of veg*ns female? I don't hate my body enough to eat only plants. Eating a home-prepped balanced diet that includes MEAT--and that is free of processed foods--is how I stay fit and healthy. Just ask my doctor when I went for my yearly physical last week. I'd lost weight, had a low BMI of 19.5% (down from 23%), and my blood pressure is great.

It probably is more natural, I'm vegetarian, (have fish, and chicken sometimes), had a bad gall bladder for 9 years, and couldn't eat meat, now I don't want it, and I do just prefer vegetables. I don't take supplements, and feel healthy

Vegas dont eat anything with a brain....they think its bad...who cares

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