How to get vegetarian friend off my back?!

Question: How to get vegetarian friend off my back?
I just inherited a Peachbloom Velour hat from my great grandmother who passed away recently. I sent a picture to my friend of me wearing it to be silly and her reply was, "Is that a dead animal?" I told her it might be fur (thinking it is wool or felt though, researched the brand and it looks way more like wool or felt than fur) and now she won't leave me alone about it. I replied "Does it help I'm against wearing furs ((I am only ok with furs if the animal was killed for meat and the entire animal is used)) and it was my great grandmothers?" she replys "So you are wearing a dead animal on your head." I asked if she had anything with goose feathers (honestly if the hat is fur I didn't even know it was until I looked up the brand) and she says "I haven't assaulted a goose lately, so no."

Isn't she taking this a bit overboard? I didn't make the hat and really it do most vegetarians assume someone is wearing fur? How can I get her to get off my back about the hat (and no I won't get rid of it. It was one of the few things I got to keep from my great grandma's house)?


Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

As a vegan, I see my friends wearing wool coats and leather shoes, but I either tease them about it only *once* or never say anything at all. If it's inherited and from your grandmother, then your friend should be able to see its sentimental value, what it means to you, and put her beliefs aside. I would tell her just that. If that doesn't work, then maybe don't wear it when she's around.

This isn't a vegetarian/vegan issue. It's an issue of a friend who is treating you like crap and it happens to be about a vegetarian/vegan belief.

Tell your friend to knock it off. If she doesn't want to hang out with someone who thinks fur is ok, then that's her choice. Otherwise, she needs to zip it. Just don't egg her on by wearing it around her and don't bring it up any more.

Well that is her belief. let her have it, it is part of what makes her who she is. I mean if you really want to get down to the meat of it, next time ask her if she held a funeral service for the last bug she stepped on or saw dead. I would tell her to stop, if she doesn't, wear it everyday.



Yes, she's going overboard. Many "strict" vegetarians think they can convert people by being nasty.
Tell her that, sorry, it was your grandmother's, it's precious to you and you're keeping it... and if she doesn't like it, too bad. She has 2 choices -- to STFU about it, or FIND A NEW FRIEND.

If she IS your friend she'll take the hint. If not, you don't need drek like her anyway.

A person who treats you like that is not really your friend. The best way to deal with this is to confront her and assert your position that you are entitled to not be bullied and lectured to. If this works, you may be able to build a real friendship. If not, you haven't lost anything.

she doesnt really have any right to judge you or harass you about your life, you get her off your back by saying that to her

her choices are hers, yours are yours
shes not being particularly fair to you, to go on and on at you about it , shes not being much of a friend if shes demanding you do what she wants rather than be who you are

Yes, she's taking this overboard. You'll either have to flat out tell her to let it go or stop hanging around together. It's wonderful that you have such a neat item from your grandmother. Don't let her rudeness and arrogance force you to give it up.

I would tell her to let it go. It is a family heirloom and you weren't the one who killed the animal. It was dead a long time ago when it was "okay" to wear fur and such. I would just tell her to be quiet about it.

She is a crackpot! Without animal testing and animal derived vaccines se would most likely be dead already! Both my wife AFN I would be dead for certain.

Hahaha yeah totally agree with you . If the whole animal is used for good reasons then y not , and yeah ir friend is going overboard .

Tell her that vegetarianism is her life choice and if she expects people to respect her moral choices than she must show the same respect to others

I'm a vegan- but that's my personal choice.

I can't f*cking stand it when people- meat eaters or vegs- try
to shove it down people's throats.

It's your CHOICE.

Sounds to me like she needs to mind her own business, just ignore it

Wow, tell your friend this is why most people look down on vegetarians. It's these people who think they are God and better than everyone else. Has she been a vegetarian all her life? She's bad for the cause, tell her to shut her mouth. I can't stand these vegetarians, ugh!

Plus the animal is already dead, wouldn't a real animal lover keep it and get the most use out of it? What person who says they care about animals, would throw it away? Pay tribute to the animal who lost it's life and use it as much as you possibly can. The animal died for a reason, throwing it away or not using it means an animal died for no cause.

Good luck!

I think you should still respect her like you have been. But she also needs to understand that theres not much you can do about it. I can safely bet that back in the day when your Grandma had that hat...times were different. We now have better resources for truly understanding wool and fur and whatnot, but that hat probably has sentimental value and she really should understand. I'm a vegan and I still see everyone as a person so she should too. I really hope my opinion could help you. Much love. :)

People in the Olden days, wore lots of furs, feathers, and so on for Styles and comforts. It was very common and fashionable. However also furs kept heads warm. Yes she is making a big huge deal out of nothing. Hats are still very well liked in Country's around the globe and still fur hats are very common in Canada. If the winters here in the USA continue to worsen and get colder who knows we may be wearing fur hats or fake fur hats now that we know how to make fake fur. Back in the old old days it was kill a little animal by trappers to make clothes. Along with hats for lady's which who knows may become back in style once more.

Raccon tails are still favored by Mountain people even here in the USA and yes worn as a hat part.
Oh does she know that we are wearing cow skins when you all see leather? Hummm that would be couches, car seats, boots, jackets, and so on.

shove a steak in her mouth

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