Would you get mad if someone at your school tried to shove a hamburger in your mouth?!

Question: Would you get mad if someone at your school tried to shove a hamburger in your mouth?
I do. Really I'm a vegetarian and I have never ever had meat or eggs but these people at my school throw like pepperoni $H!T at me and it's f**king disgusting...

And once this guy tried to put hamburger in my mouth lol? why are people like this?

P.S What would you do if someone did this to you? What would you say/react? I'm quite curious to see how you would react.


I'd slap the ever-loving sh!t out of them. :)

People do that to you?! What part of the country are you from perhaps? The most extreme thing people said to be was "We're going to strap you down and shove a steak down your throat" They laughed because they were just messing around with me, and I laughed with them because I knew they were just joking. If someone truly tried to do something like that to me, I would hurt them :P. I'd tel them that if they're not going to respect your choices, you're not going to respect theirs.

They do it because they know you have set your goals higher than theirs and they're trying to bring you down. First I would tell the principal about it, then ignore them, just brush off the disgusting stuff like it's nothing. There's nothing more boring than getting nothing for your efforts. If it continues then tell the principal again. Though personally I'd love to take take the morons and bash their head through the cement it wouldn't solve anything.

I'd be mad if anyone tried to shove anything in my mouth. They only do it to mess with you. I learned not to tell people i'm a vegetarian at school because my friends all treated me differently when I told them before. It's better if you don't react if they do that. They want to get a reaction out of you and if you just ignore it they won't think it's fun anymore.

If I was to get upset, many would ask what's the big deal and say that vegans overreact.
I would probably give him the "wow, you're weird" look and ask a confused "...hello...?"

In that situation you was the victim and he was the wrong/weird one. Don't give people a reason to take up for the other guy. It's easy to get upset and make yourself look bad.

I'm not a vegetarian and I would still get angry if someone tried to throw meat at me and shove it in my mouth, I imagine it would be worse if I was vegetarian. It's just wrong.

I don't really know how I would react as it depends on the situation.

Throw eggplants at them and see how they would feel

and well, are these people your friends? or are they just people picking on you....
depending on the situation, I would encourage/discorage the above suggestion....

btw, nothing against eggplants.... its just for humor purposes....

Im a meat eater and I would still get mad. Nobody is going to shove ANYTHING in my mouth. (Unless its' my boyfriend ;)

I would probably get in their face if they kept it up.

lol, Alex.

That's never happened to me. I surround myself with open-minded individuals..

But yes, I would get mad if that ever happened, and I would probably knock them out.

Some people are immature little sh*ts, especially if they're school-age. Next time, go to a school official RIGHT AWAY and tell them.

vegan :D

Wow if someone really did that they would be knocked out haha.
How immature and stupid
That's like slathering peanut butter all over someone with a nut allergy. You just don't do those things...

i would get mad if someone tried to shove anything in my mouth. there would be a fight of some kind after that.

I'm probably slap them

Yes. I don't know what I'd do, but I'd be po'ed.

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