Attention ALL VEGANS AND VEGETARIANS! I have a question about diet.?!
Vegetarians: I am planning to go vegetarian for summer vacation. Will I lose more weight eating only vegetarian. And get protein from nuts, eggs etc. WILL THIS HELP ME? Is what Im asking (for loosing belly fat!)
IS it a good idea is I never did this before? For loosing BELLY FAT. I need to know. Thankyou. :D
btw, Im 15 and 5'6 and 135...if that helps.
First of all, you sound really skinny ms. toothpick! If you want to lose belly fat, nix the salt! Salt can a make you bloated, and your belly will look bigger. I'm a vegetarian, and I wouldn't say you really lose weight by being one, but if you want a toner tummy, you can try doing some crunches/ sit ups and eating less salt and replacing soda/juice/tea/coffee with water. All I drink is water, it is great for your body!
Second of all I don't know where you got this ******** report that veganism is a weight loss diet.
Sure, eat all the fries, peanut butter jelly banana fried sandwiches, oatmeal and vegan pizza you want, you'get skinny as a beanpole.
What will help you? Eating fewer calories
Buy a pedometer, clip it to your belt, and aim for an extra 1,000 steps a day. On average, sedentary people take only 2,000 to 3,000 steps a day. Adding 2,000 steps will help you maintain your current weight and stop gaining weight; adding more than that will help you lose weight.