Becoming a vegetarian at 14?!

Question: Becoming a vegetarian at 14?
I'm currently 14 and I want to attempt to become a vegetarian. I really think that what they do in the slaughter house is horrible and wrong. I feel that by eating meat I am supporting that. I have many other reasons why but I wont go into that. Can anyone give me any advice or a few websites that can help me out? Thanks(:


For goodness sake, you don't need animals in your mouth to get protein- legmes, brown rice, peanuts, peanut butter, almonds, avocado, coconut, mulitgrain bread, cereals pasta, no greasy fatty meat and dairy ( you don't mention diary but it's the same facotry farming, and soymilk, almond milk, roce milk are all so easy to get now and tastier than the cow version).

I went vegetarian at 12, no big deal. People who say you need animal meat or dairy to get protien are really uninformed.

There's more iron, calciu, protein in tofu, lentils, chickpeas, peanuts and peanut butter than there is in meat- which is always just one thing- "meat".
Dull if you ask me, and all thevegetarian foods above have vitamins AND fibre which is more than meat ever has.

If you're smart and clever with it, and eat all the healthy things your friends are too scared to eat- delish fried tofu, noodles with peanut sauce, lentil burgers with rice and soysauce, peanut butter and hummous pitas- you'll look amazing, and be glowing.
Just get it right, eat green veg every day, fresh fruit, tofu or soymilk or mock duck ( some kind of soy or setian products) , seaweeds, nuts, seeds ( flas, sesame pumpkin etc) and brown rice and wholegrain pasta, you'll ne healthier than before. ---look at the top right-= for the recipe index- amazing recipes.

You're evil.

You're supporting unethical treatment of carrots, and that will get you straight to hell.

Sure you can become vegetarian, just make sure you got the right amounts of the right stuff. Don't forget your proteins from milk & eggs, as well as lentils, peas beans and all that stuff. If you start the day with a bowl of milk or an egg every day, you'll cover most of your protein needs that you can then complement with peas.

Life is a lot less monotonous when you're a vegetarian, because there are so many vegetables out there to experiment with.

Ignore all those people telling you to wait, it is perfectly healthy to be vegetarian at any age, you just have to make sure to be getting all the nutrients that you need. Make sure to eat plenty of whole grains, a variety of fruits and veggies, and lots of protein rich foods. (nuts, beans, tofu, seeds, soy products, edmame, quinoa, vegetarian "meats", etc...) It is not difficult, you just have to stay dedicated to it, and make sure that you are eating as many healthy foods as possible.

To those people who answered "too young", what about the billions of Indians who are born and raised vegetarian? They must get their protein from somewhere.

I have two teenage children, born and raised vegetarian, never a granule of flesh has passed their mouths. They are in rude good health.

Check out a few recipes for Indian food - curries etc - and you'll see what ingredients you should be incorporating into your diet. Variety is the key.

Well, its nice being a vegetarian. But there's also a bad thing about it; don't start it to early. Your body is still growing, so it needs the nutrients and proteins. (Meat has proteins) So i strongly suggest you become a vegetarian at the age of 18 or older.


actually its more mean not to eat the chickens that have been slaughtered because they have been slaughtered for nothing and your not eating it and that's dis respectful to the chickens

wanted to become a vegetarian and my dad told me not to cause of that oh and cuz the protein

Its nice being a vegetarian.


my self

U should wait till ur older u need protein

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