Is this a good everyday breakfast ?!
Make it 2 eggs, not 3. :)
Having 2 eggs gives you enough protein for your body, and it gives you the enough amount of energy.
If you have 3 eggs, it might give you a bit TOO much protein for the body.
Try the three eggs with a half a grapefruit... they say there's something magic in grapefruit which goes with the eggs.
Good to use the eggs - they're the cheapest and best form of protein you can get. They practically give them away.
Watch out for the wrists - you might want to bind them with a leather band under stress - you can actually force your forearm bone apart very slightly - and it hurts like the Dickens - might be the real cause of "carpal tunnel".
I think it would be too many everyday I don't think your workout is sufficient to warrant that many.
Wrist exercises should include press up. (you would get more details if you search for that online under exercise or similar