I fed a vegetarian meat?!
thats horrible.
you shouldnt be doing somthing like that (now matter how halarious, good job though).
he could have a very strong, emotional or mental reason for his lifestyle.
i would stop and NEVER bring it up, unless he goes back to eating meat, or he brings it up, in.. lets say 50 years (:
Yeh, he called me telling me the wimp hiding meat his room had a small peepee, so he pretended to eat it so the guy would have his only laugh on a saturday night. Cos he felt sorry for him.
Hey look a troll.
The best ingredient to stuff is troll meat. Absolutely delectable!
U shouldn't do that. When he finds out he will be VERY mad at you. If u chose not to eat something would u want someone to be sneaking it into ur food? And he will find out.
no u should not do it. u are impossing your belief in someone else life. he may get sick. how would like if someone is putting a drug in ur drink.
OMG friend of chip, this person has a small peepee?! LMAO
Someone give me a magnifying glass so i can see...
Lmfao trolll
What a load of trash. And the question's pretty bad too.