What do raccones eat???!
What do raccones eat???
Racoons are omnivores. They eat virtually anything they can find. They're smart, too, which is why they know the best place to find food is a trash can.
Common foods include fruits, nuts berries, insects, rodents, frogs, eggs and crayfish. In some rural areas, corn is a large part of the raccoon's diet. In suburban and urban areas it often forages through trash cans for food. If water is near, the raccoon will sometimes put its food in the water and roll it around. It looks like it is washing its food, but it is not. The raccoon is softening the food and looking for foreign objects on the food.
they eat catfood for one thing.
Um, if you mean raccoons, I think they are eating berries these days. Within the poop lies the answer to your query. Just do some investigating.
Garbage!!! =]