What do you think a vegetarian really means?!


What do you think a vegetarian really means?

Hello people,
What do you think a vegetarian really means? The only things I consider meat are dead animals like Chicken, Beef, Pork, and even egg, I donot consider dairy products/plants as meat. In my opinion, I consider eggs meat because there is an unborn, ungrown chicken inside of it eating an egg is like eating an embryo from a human going-to-be mom by disecting it out. Milk is not considered meat because it is not part of an animal it comes from an animal an other example of it would be vommit/pee from a human are just another digested/undigested form of food that a human being ate; pee is not meat. Milk is an other form of cattle(tan grass type thing) a farm animal eats. Finally, Fruits/Vegetables/Leaves are not considered meat because you are actually helping plants by plucking a fruit from out of them not affecting them in anyway, its more likely for the plant to die when you dont pluck the fruit whenever it is fully grown and it is the same with leaves and vegetables.:)

Lacto is a term used for milk or dairy, so a lacto-vegetarian will still eat things that contain dairy products.
Ovo is the term for eggs, so a person who is ovo-vegetarian will still eat things that have eggs in it.
A lacto-ovo vegetarian eats things that have both eggs and dairy.
A vegan is a vegetarian that will not eat or use any animal products: no eggs, no dairy, no honey ... only things that are from plants and animals didn't make. They also won't wear wool or use any product that has bi-products in it that come from animals... basically everything from soap to clothes to food has to be simply plant-based.

people who just eat vegetables and organice foods

I'd say that if you were a vegetarian or a vegan because you disapproved of the way the animals were treated. you wouldn't support dairy, because supporting dairy, is in turn supporting the veal industry, cheese uses rennet which comes from calf's stomach linings.
Eggs are not unborn chickens, eggs are unfertilized chickens. either way the chickens who layed those eggs were horribly mistreated, so eating eggs supports that as well.

So my definition of a vegetarian is a vegan, someone who is concerned with the treatment of animals, and their welfare. They also care about what goes into their bodies, by ad voiding eating animals, they avoid all the extra hormones and steroids that are fed to the livestock, then slaughtered, and passed on to meat eaters. Vegetarians, are caring compassionate, and informed.

vegetarian=compassionate person,willing to give up something(meat) for their beliefs

You answered your own question... poorly and incorrectly... but you did.

Vegetarian means one who eats plant products ONLY!

I don't know any veg*ns that think cow's milk is meat. Many of us don't drink it because it is not made for us. Cow's lactate to feed their babies. When humans take their babies away and stick them in tiny pens in the dark and call them veal, so that they can vicariously suckle cow teat, well, that's just not in the best interest of anyone. Except perhaps the farmer that will eventually kill the baby who the milk is actually meant for, while it will have never had a drop.

I have 2 rescued pet hens. They lay eggs that are most definitely not fertile, because there are no roosters nearby. They do, however only lay when the weather is warm and the days are long. Now how do people justify eating eggs from chickens that are not allowed to ever rest and get "spent" after only one year and then are killed for meat?

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