Can you be a vegetarian....?!
Can you be a vegetarian....?
Can you be a vegetarian and still eat chicken and/or fish? Seems a bit of a cop out by several people I know who claim do be vegetarians but will eat chicken and fish. Surely a true veggie should only eat the flesh of the Quorn, whatever that is.
A vegetarian doesn't eat meat. How many times does this question get asked on here??!! I can't stand it any more. There should be a big red box at the top of the page saying "DO NOT ASK IF VEGETARIANS CAN EAT MEAT/FISH BECAUSE THEY DON'T!!!!!"
No..if your a vegetarian then you shoudn't eat any kind of meat!
the answer is no
Vegetarians only eat fruits and vegetables and any food items containing just that. Vegans on the other hand will not eat or consume any item that has animal bi-products. They're not vegetarians if they eat fish and chicken.
That really annoys me when they say that! If someone eats chicken or fish they're NOT a vegetarian
No you can't be not if you eat meat but i suppose it sounds good.
No you can't.
There are meat eaters who restrict thier diet to fish, chicken, veggies and fruit. These are not vegetarians
The Vegetarian Society is recognised as the Worlds leading expert on vegetarianism and this is what they have to say on the definition:
"A vegetarian is someone living on a diet of grains, pulses, nuts, seeds, vegetables and fruits with or without the use of dairy products and eggs (preferably free-range).
A vegetarian does not eat any meat, poultry, game, fish, shellfish or crustacea, or slaughter by-products such as gelatine or animal fats."
Anyone who eats fish or chicken and calls themselves a veggie is wrong. its as simple as that. They shouldn't use the word vegetarian just because they can't be bothered to use the correct words, it confuses the issues for everyone and does vegetariansm an injustice.
Eat as much fish or chicken as you like, just don't call yourself a veggie
tell your friends they are wrong and need to do the decent thing and correct themselves in the future.
i think you could work this one out for yourself.
if not try a lobotomy.
no vegetarian do not eat meat
People who eat chicken or fish are NOT vegetarians. They are people who don't eat red meat. Also people who eat fish are not vegetarians either. They are people who don't eat meat. I love it when I hear people saying that, you have to laugh
I am none of the above and eat red meat, fish and chicken. (yum)
This thoroughly annoys me - a vegetarian does not eat meat - yet some claim it's OK to eat chicken and fish. Do chickens and fish feel no pain? I knew a 'vegetarian' who would only eat animals she could kill - which included chickens and bacon!
They are farmed and treated just and killed as inhumanly as all other animals and therefore should not be eaten if you claim to be a veggie -
I eat any meat that isn't cute or fluffy (eg deer and rabbits) but i make no claims. I also wear leather shoes and eat sweets with gelantine in it.
Vegetarianism should be about true opinions about the treatment of animals or a disagreement with our position in the food chain and not a fashion statement.
Vegetarian is just a word. Some people avoid the flesh of animals (that includes fish) for moral reasons. Others for health reasons. Others for emphatic reasons. I have a friend who won't eat meat because she dislikes the look of it, but eats fish.
Logically, a vegetarian should eat only veggies and fruit and grains, but that means avoiding stock and jelly and anything else that might have been made using animal parts. That isn't always easy to do.
A person who eats chicken and fish and accepts broth boiled from animal carcasses can't call themselves vegetarian.
Ah the native beast of Quorn,
Frolicking in the autumn mist,
How hungry I am.
The very definition of vegetarian is NO MEAT. NOOOOOO MEAT. Simple concept, but so many people want to have the label without the lifestyle, for some weird reason.
(fyi: Vegan is NO ANIMAL PRODUCTS. If you consume animal products, you're NOT vegan. Period.)
A vegetarian diet is one that excludes all or most animal products, particularly a diet that excludes any food that requires the death of an animal. There are many variations, including the following:
Vegan: Diet consists of only foods of plant origin.
Lacto-vegetarian: Diet consists of plant foods plus some or all dairy products.
Lacto-ovovegetarian: Diet consists of plant foods, dairy products and eggs.
Semi- or partial vegetarian: Diet consists of plant foods and may include chicken or fish, dairy products, and eggs. Excludes red meat.
Alternative Names
Lacto-ovovegetarian; Semi-vegetarian; Partial vegetarian; Vegan; Lacto-vegetarian
A vegetarian diet may be adopted for a variety of reasons, including religious, moral or political beliefs, economics, or the desire to consume a more healthful diet.
The American Dietetic Association states that a well-planned vegetarian diet can be consistent with good nutritional intake. Dietary recommendations vary with the type of vegetarian diet.
For children and adolescents these diets require special planning, because it may be difficult to obtain all the nutrients required for growth and development. Nutrients that may be lacking in a vegetarian's diet are protein, vitamin B-12, vitamin D, riboflavin, calcium, zinc, and iron.
Eating protein, which is made up of smaller chemicals called amino acids, is necessary for good health. There are two types of proteins: complete and incomplete. Complete proteins contain adequate amounts of the essential amino acids needed for health and are found in animal products such as meats, milk, fish, and eggs.
Incomplete proteins contain all of the essential amino acids, but not in adequate amounts. These proteins generally have one amino acid in insufficient quantity, referred to as the limiting amino acid. Grains and beans are sources of incomplete proteins.
You don't have to eat animal products to get complete proteins in your diet. You can mix two incomplete proteins or an incomplete protein with a complete protein to get all the essential amino acids in adequate amounts. Some combinations are milk and cereal, peanut butter and bread, beans and rice, beans and corn tortillas, and macaroni and cheese.
Integrating the vegetarian style of eating into a non-vegetarian diet is recommended for individuals wishing to choose a healthier diet. For example, a person may choose to simply eat meat less frequently.
Vegetarian diets that include some animal products (lacto-vegetarian and lacto-ovovegetarian) are nutritionally sound. Vegan diets require careful planning in order to obtain adequate amounts of required nutrients. The following are recommendations for feeding vegetarian children.
Breast milk or formula should be the basis of the diet until one year of age. (See diet for age)
Milk or a fortified soy formula should be used.
Fat should not be limited for a child less than two years of age.
For children not drinking milk or a fortified substitute, the following nutrients may be limited: calcium, protein, vitamin D, riboflavin. These children may need a vitamin and mineral supplement.
Vitamin B-12 must be supplemented if no animal products are consumed.
Adequate iron intake is difficult to achieve if meat is not consumed. Good sources of iron include prunes and prune juice, fortified cereals and grain products, raisins, and spinach.
NOTE: Any specialized diet, particularly for children but also for adults, should be reviewed by a registered dietician prior to the start of the diet to ensure that it meets all nutritional needs.
Nope you can't be a vegetarian and still eat chicken or fish... if you still eat chicken or fish there's another name for it. Not vegetarian.
I'm vegan =)
No - a TRUE veggie will NOT eat chicken of fish. The point of being a vegetarian is to not eat the flesh of what has once been a living animal. vegan's take it one step further and won't eat the flesh or by product of animals (hence no dairy or even honey in some cases). Quorn is fungus based - so similar to mushrooms.
no vegetarians don't eat meat or fish
a friend of mine who's veggie likes to say i don't eat anything with a face.
It depends how you define vegetarian. Some people say that it means that they don't eat anything with a face. Others say just don't eat read meat. I am a vegetarian and I don't eat fish or chicken. I think that you can pledge to not eat read meat or not eat any meat but chicken and fish, but it doesn't make you a vegetarian. But if that's what you're shooting for, that's fine. Being a vegetarian is just a title. It means that you don't eat meat except for fish. It shouldn't be your goal to be a vegetarian if you are just doing it to be one. You should take it as far as you want to.
veggies do not include fish and chicken....
i ve never seen any fish or chicken growing in fields....
Of course not. No vegetarian eats anything that used to be an animal.
No, sounds like wannabe.....Beef its whats for dinner
Nope, you can't. Obviously there's nothing to stop you *calling* yourself a vegetarian, but it doesn't mean you *are* one. In fact, doing this will only make actual vegetarians angry because it confuses people and perpetuates the myth of chicken and fish being suitable for vegetarians - they're not, WE DON'T EAT FLESH!
If an animal was deliberately killed to make it, I don't eat it or wear it.
NO!!!!!!!! IF you are a vegetarian,toushould not eat any meat!!!!!!!!
hey chicken and fish r animals 2.a true vegetarion will eat nothing but veggies.
im a veggie, i dont eat any meat or fish but still have dairy products, people that claim to be veggies but eat chicken are stupid
Chickens and fish are animals.
Vegetarians do not eat animals.
some vegetarians eats fish but i dont think they eat chicken i used to eat fish when i first started being a vege but i only did as i thought it would be hard to become a vege straight away but i dont any more and anyway fish are animals too so why do they still have to be eaten
some vegetarians do eat chicken and fish. It is a vegan that won't eat anything relating to animals.They won't even drink milk or eat cheese.
I hate people like that, they call themselves vegetarians to sound cool or something.
well, vegetarians eat NO kind of flesh. even though they say that fish isn't really meat...i dissagree. fish is still flesh. flesh is still meat. but that's just me.