What types of foods/fruits/veggies help you gain lots of energy?!
What types of foods/fruits/veggies help you gain lots of energy?
Shredded wheat cereal
My kids go insane from energy after eating fresh grapefruit.
corn, rye, barley, and green leave vegetables, high in vitamin B, folico acid.
Bananas are an excellent source of energy.
Apples and oranges are a good source of Vitamin C. Spinach gives you iron and calcium. Beans are a good source of protein, the kind of protein you need for muscle development.
I did a detox diet to clean my system out, my digestive and such. I guess your body can hold on to a lot, but I could have no sugar at all for that 2 weeks. Only citrus fruits, as my body requires them. When I ate an orange during that time it was like I had a big cup of coffee! My body loved it. Doing a detox feels great, you find so much energy in the foods our bodies need (aka healthy foods. EX. lean meat, green veggies, oranges or berries, eggs, natural cranberry juice.)
any fruit smoothie,combination of any vegetables
FLAX SEED OIL is great also.You should look into buying some.
apples have concentrated carbs use these they will give you alot of energy as well as any high carb veggie like corn, peas, and potatoes!