What vitamins should a vegetarian substitute for the meats they lack?!
What vitamins should a vegetarian substitute for the meats they lack?
I've only been a vegetarian for about a month and have heard that I am missing out on some essential vitamins that I could get from meat. If this is true help me out with some supplements that I could take, please.
Their is no need to take Vitamins, that's a 80's myth!!! i have be a vegan for ten years and my advice for you is eat the right amount of protein, in foods like nuts, soy,a vegetables, and you are going to be find!!! actually the average meat eater eats 20% more protein that the recommend amount! Good luck!!!!
Iron, multivitamin.
You should take a multi-vitamin. Plus you should eat things like beans and peanut butter so you get the protein that you aren't getting because you're not eating meat.
You eat meat to get protein. You can get protein from beans & nuts.
Multi vitimins are a good idea but not necessary.
The standard caveats concern protein and iron.
There are many ways to get more protein; it is possible that Americans eat way too much protein as it is. Tofu, beans, eggs, tempeh, nuts, lentils, etc., etc., etc. You do not have to eat complementary proteins together; just make sure you eat a variety of foods.
One way to get your protein and iron all at once (while making a mess as well) is peanut butter and molasses. This stirs up into a very interesting mix which one writer (reference given below) likened to a candy he called "Mary Jane." I have seen this type of candy and tried one (down in Santa Cruz, as I remember), and it just tasted like peanut butter to me. Okay. Anyway, the mixture is stiffer than regular peanut butter, and of course it sticks to everything it touches.
Don't be silly eat meat. I don't understand how someone would not want to eat meat, yet wants a substitute. Nature made meat for a reason, now you people want to make a synthetic out of petroleum by products. isn't that hypocritical.
I have never met a vegan that was capable of rational thought
Well it depends. Do you still eat eggs/dairy?
If you do not eat any animal products, B12 and Omega 3 are very important.
I just take a vegan multivitamin which contains everything I need :) There is no negative of getting too many vitamins, the worst you do is tinkle them out :D
You need to make sure that you are getting all the essential amino acids from the proteins you are replacing the meat with.