If vegetarians never had any dairy, would they be 100 percent cholestrol free?!
If vegetarians never had any dairy, would they be 100 percent cholestrol free?
i just want to know, because it always good to be healthy.
In order to be healthy, you need to have cholesterol. It is a very big molecule and the body has enzymes that use cholesterol to make it into some of our hormones: specifically testerone and estrogen. Since it is a big molecule, it is found in cellular membranes in order to keep them pliable and elastic.
Since the body needs cholesterol, it will make its own. Usually there is an on and off switch to regulate the making of cholesterol. If you ingest cholesterol into your body, the switch should turn it off with a feedback loop info (the body tells itself that it has enough cholesterol in the body and to shut off making it). Unfortunately with damage to DNA, the switch could get stuck and makes it even if you take cholesterol into your body.
I was fascinated that plants have cholesterol, even though it is so small compared to what is in animals (mg in plants to g in animals is 1 (plants) to 1000X (animals) and if you read the article the most plant cholesterol is in the oils of the plants, with olive and sesame seed oil the lowest (and the healthiest for your body). It also talks about the plant sterols that are in the plants with the cholesterol, and how they are just now studying how they lower the lousy LDL levels, and increase the healthy HDL levels in humans. It seems that with plant cholesterol you get helper substances to control regulation of cholesterol in your body! Cool, learn more stuff each day.
You mention you do not eat any dairy, but what about eggs? The yolk of the egg contains most of the cholesterol (and iron). Do you eat eggs? or just egg whites?
only vegans don't eat dairy, vegetarians just don't eat any meat
once ur born u will have to have dairy.
Not if you fry your veggies. MMmmm tempura
regarding the person who thought you had to eat dairy once you're born... ummmm, they make soy formula. No dairy. Some babies get sick from the natural stuff so they have to have soy.
Now about the question of cholesterol in vegans (the other person was correct, the vegetarians still eat dairy and eggs. Only vegans abstain from eating animals and all animal by products):
Many sources (including textbooks) incorrectly assert that there is no cholesterol in plants. This misperception is made worse in the United States, where Food and Drug Administration rules allow for cholesterol quantities less than 2 mg/serving to be ignored in labelling. While plant sources contain much less cholesterol (Behrman and Gopalan suggest 50mg/kg of total lipids, as opposed to 5g/kg in animals), they still contain the substance
No. Cholesterol isn't some kind of poison, it's natural substance essential to life. If you aren't getting any from your diet, you'll make it. Look at the really cholesterol rich foods: organ meats. Why would you think a pig, a sheep and a cow would have cholesterol in their organs but you don't in yours? The level of cholesterol in your blood comes from diet and genetics. It's wise to limit dietary sources, but that won't make you "cholesterol free."
NO! Your own body MAKES cholesterol!!!
Sorry to shout but it seems to be needed! Even vegans can have really bad LDL/HDL ratio and/or high total cholesterol levels depending on your personal genetic coding. I'm near vegan and used to have a low fat diet. My total cholesterol level was under 100 with a 1/1 ratio. I had to add Olive and Avocado oils to my diet to get back to a healthy ratio of 1/4.
Only in the last 5 years or so has it been recognized that it is more important to have a your HDL level 4-5 times higher than LDL level and *that* is the main factor in development of disease. I was lucky enough to have doctors that knew and understood that fact or I wouldn't be around to yell at you.
No, they would have low in cholestrol, no one is 100 percent cholestrol free! YOu need a certian amout of cholestrol to live, not all cholestrol is bad for you!
Not all vegetariens have non-dairy diet its just vegan that are not allowed to have dairy and dairy products. I wouldn't say that your 100% cholestrol free because you have to have a certain percent in your body. For example nuts have cholestrol and are good in protien and avocados have choletrol but both of those are good for you. So no one can be 100% free of cholesterol thats just implossible. Maintain is the key.
No. You didn't mention eggs, which are a source of dietary cholesterol. Your body also makes some cholesterol.
No. Your body makes its own cholesterol. Also, some vegetarians eat eggs, which have lots of cholesterol.