Plants don't have feelings!?!
Plants don't have feelings!?
i hate it when meateaters say that vegatarians are hypocrytes because plants have feelings. That is the stupidist thing in the world. Do you think they say it to make themselves feel better?
Additional Details7 months ago
And vegans don't like to hurt living things.
Plants don't feel pain. They don't have a brain, a heart, nervous system, or spinal cord.
Anyway when meateaters say that, they should think about the animals that die in pain and suffering before they decide to critisice vegans just because we can control our selves.
7 months ago
And vegans don't like to hurt living things.
Plants don't feel pain. They don't have a brain, a heart, nervous system, or spinal cord.
Anyway when meateaters say that, they should think about the animals that die in pain and suffering before they decide to critisice vegans just because we can control our selves.
It is human nature to want to feel that what we're doing is right, proper, and logical. When we're confronted with something that suggests that our current practices are not the best ones, it's uncomfortable. We can either consider that our choices may not have been the best ones, which is extremely disturbing, or we can reject that premise without truly considering it, so that we don't have to feel bad about our actions. That's the more comfortable approach. And we do this by searching our minds for any arguments we can for why the challenge must be wrong, to justify our current behavior.Think about that for a moment: Our feeling that our current actions are correct isn't based on our arguments. Rather, our actions come first and then we come up with the arguments to try to support those actions. If we were truly logical, we'd consider the evidence first and then decide the best course of action. But often we have it in reverse, because it's too difficult to accept that we might have been wrong.This is particularly true when it comes to vegetarianism. It is quite easy to identify because the anti-vegetarian arguments are usually so weak and desperate, compared to other kinds of discourse. A person who would never normally suggest something so fantastic as the idea that plants can think and feel pain, will suddenly all but lunge for such an argument when they feel their meat-eating ways are being questioned. It's human nature.Animals have feelings and are alive,they feel happiness,sadness,lonliness,al... kinds of emotions,plants are alive in a sense,but utimately they just exist.
Although I do enjoy meat and veggies, I have to say I agree with the fact that plants have feelings. Have you ever noticed that a plant grows better when you talk to it? I've heard of one plant that releases a hormone when it's hurt and other plants pick it up and put all of their nutrients in their roots so if they get eaten or hurt, they will be able to grow back.
hey you don't know for sure now do you.
they are indeed living and like all life will do what it takes to survive.
Hey some of them are even carnivors too
Meat is natural and good for you... high in protein it has been hypothesised that meat consumption has helped in our evolution to larger brains..
sense protein is the essential building block and nutrient of the brain and other body workings.
meat is good, if you don't eat your meats then you'll have to take vitamins
our teeth are adapted for eating meat and vegtables
if we were just meant to eat vegtables our teeth would be different..
just another reason that you should stop complaining and forget you nonsense.
I don't know how your genetic links have made it this far
I'm a meat-eater but I kinda do think plants have feelings. My mother passed away a week ago and all her plants that she's had for YEARS are quickly dying too. I'm doing the same thing she's always done, but they just don't like me and I think they must miss her cuz they're dying quickly!
plants have feelings. I'm a lonely little onion in an onion patch and all i do is cry all day.
I just tell them that I am not at that point in my journey yet. I have started out being vegetarian and not eating meat, and then went on to be vegan and not have anything to do with animals. Next on my list is to just eat seeds and fruit (which are what plants give off as by-products). I will work my way up to being a breathetarian (only needs to breath to live!). And have you even started to care about what you eat? (as they open up a can of beer/pop and start munching down on Doritos/Freetos).
Now that I think about it, do I really plants? I eat seeds mostly for my protein: beans, rice, grains, nuts. I eat fruit for energy: apples, pears, juice, bananas. The vegetables I eat are the seed/fruit of the plants: peppers, eggplant, tomatoes, green beans, cabbage. I guess root vegetables like carrots, onions, and leafy green vegetables like kale, spinach, and lettuces are the only true plants that vegetarians eat.
Even if plants did have feelings, which no one can really prove one way or another, eating fruits or vegetables doesn't kill the plant like eating steak or turkey kills the animal. Plants aren't treated poorly when they are growing and aren't confined to overcrowded, noisy barns as animals are, so I would say that comparing meat to plants is unfair.