im lacto-ovo-vegetarian for about a year and half,and iam a little bit concerned because on my net research,ive found some experts defending that someone who consumes milk or diary products is the same of someone who eat meat this true?
i am a lacto-ovo-vegetarian...but i feel really guilty about cheese and eggs.......
Vegetarians and vegans are different people. Where vegetarians will consume things like milk, eggs and sometimes white meat, Vegans are strongly against the consumption of any animal bi-products at all. This would include butter, milk, chocolate, eggs, and even gelatin-based candies.
It depends on your personal preference. I myself eat meat and don't think myself anything less of a person than someone who refuses to eat it.
I'm also lacto-ovo vegetarian. I have been all by life.
Everyone has a different opinions on the subject. NO WAY is being lacto-ovo vegetarian the same as eating meat!
Don't listen to everything you read on the net - or hear about any other way. Some people just find anyone who is different to them weird. - Let them get on with their sad lives.
I don't preach - if someone wants information from me I'm more than happy to give it. Most meat-eaters think veggies are all hippies - which is totally untrue.
My family and I try to eat as little milk as possible - we still eat chocolates and other things containing milk - but in moderation. We buy free-range eggs - so the hens have a happy life and are not crammed tight into cages like the poor battery hens are.
We buy organic cheeses - so the cows are looked after better.
Little things like this make a difference - there are different stages within lacto-ovo vegetarianism. i.e closer to veganism or closer to the borderline of meat-eaters. There is a scale.
Also we drink soy(a) milk which is lovely - lowers cholesterol and is all round better for you. We drink Alpro soya milk - I believe it's the best - which you can buy with added vitamins and minerals. We also have provamel yoghurts and the Swedish Glace ice cream which is delicious.
Don't be swayed by anyone else's opinion - YOU made the decision to turn veggie - which you obviously thought was right.
Don't be pushed around - whether it be by the media, friends or family. It is YOUR opinion that matters.
If we are talking about the suffering the animal endures for you to get milk and eggs compared to meat, you are better off eating the meat. Dairy cows are continually artificially inseminated on what the farmers themselves call "Rape racks". Evey time the cow has a male calf they take it away to be raised for veal. A female we obviously go back into milk production. There is a bit of veal in every glass of milk. These cows live much longer then their counterparts raised for meat alone. up to two or three years. After this time their milk production declines and they are slaughtered.
Chickens are kept Crammed in small cages for egg production. Each egg takes approximately 24 hours to produce. When egg production slows farmers put the chickens though what is called "forced molting" which includes depriving the birds food and water for long periods of time. After a few years when egg production falls then chickens a sent to slaughter as well. Besides this, when the chicks are sexed after they hatch, the male chicks are tossed in a grinder, or thown away since they are no use in egg production.
It's true only if you personally agree with it. Nobody but yourself can tell you what side to take in order for it to be "right". What is right for you? That's all that should matter when it comes to your food choices.
There are many types of vegetarians and they all have their own philosophies. You have to decide what is right for you.
I was an Ovo Lacto vegetarian for a long time because I have severe problems with soy and soy products.
No not necessarily. They probably were comparing due to the fact dairy products can cause health issues as well as meat. So...make sure you consume dairy products in moderation.
No, it's not the same. Eggs and milk don't harm the animals at all.
If you are a lacto-ovo veg for health reasons, I'd suggest you eat eggs and milk that are organic. If you have a house, you can even get some hens. Hens will live off the land and lay eggs and you can eat them. The eggs and milk you buy in the store have hormones added in them.... farmers will shoot the animals up with hormones so they'll produce more eggs and milk than they ought to naturally. Those hormones go into your body as well.