Can vegetarians chew gum?!
Can vegetarians chew gum?
one of my friends said it has calves hooves in it or somthing? is this true? can i never have gum again? i feel so ashamed if i did eat poor little calves feet
Well, your friend is right in a way. The calves feet (called gelatin), are sometimes in gum, but usually not. Check the ingredients. Other foods with gelatin are:
Some Yogurts
Gummy bears
Gummy worms
Some Ice creams
Here is how to remember what gelatin is. (It kind of looks like glycerin and you wouldn't want to get confused). Okay.
Hope I've helped!
Yes, vegetarians can chew gum. And NO it doesn't have calves hooves in it. I think your friend is full of s*it!!
yes gum is made from tree sap
as long it is not steak flavored lol
No, don't believe her, gum does not come from calves feet, now where did she get that info. from!? Gum is tottaly candy!
Check this out:
Your friend is WHACKED .... totally!
Gelatin, as in jello, has calves hooves, unless it's Kosher
Most gum is made of a synthetic polymer (rubber)
I think your friend is thinking that it is made with gelatin. At one time gelatin was made from hooves being boiled down. It is not made that way anymore.
i don't know where ur friend got that balony from GUM HAS NO ANIMAL PRODUCTS IN IT so your friend is full of lima beans.
Gum comes from a plant with maybe some preservatives in it.
its not true im a vegetarian and i chew gum
Its not made from calves hooves....most gum is fine, however some gum does conatain gelatin,but it will say in the ingredients list... mostly just the "splash" gums but just check the back of the package to be sure
You have to make sure the gum does not have any gelatin in it.
I'm veg and I chew gum. Most gum does not have gelatin in it. Just read the ingredients to make sure.
It might have animal by-products in the ingredients.It might say GUM-BASE but the gum base could have animal by-products.Or if it says NATURAL FLAVOR that is usually a sign that the natural flavor is animal derived.