who is a vegetrian for how long and what was your reason for becoming one. I have been one for a while and I decided it was wrong to kill a poor helpless animal!
i've been a vegetarian for about 3 years now and i dont miss meat at all......i hate killing of animals too.....its wrong to kill animals just so the human race can eat them
i know a vegetarian that doesn't do it because of the animals, but for health reasons...and i know another vegan who is a pure animal lover and she wouldn't hurt a fly! So i think it's different for different people. You have to ask yourself why you want to become one, and just stick with it..good luck!
I am not vegeterian...but my mother was for two years- she had to go back though because the doctor told her that she needed to start eating it again for protien...our religion Hinduism, however, tells us that we should be vegetarian...instead we just don't eat beef because we worship a form a cow...
I'm vegetarian caz i don't like meat i know they are poor animals the worst is cow they give you milk and the people killing it:(
I was a vegetarian for almost 6 months. A lacto-vegetarian to be specific ( meaning I ate plant based foods, milk, but not eggs and meat). It is because of some driving fear.
My family had a very immense history of diabetis and obesity and what-not so I decided to trim down by not eating meat. I obtained a good result at the start: I felt very light sans the fat ( vegetables are a natural body cleanser), but
then my body did not respond to it well. I had a negative nitrogen balance. It's not good not to eat meat. Just consider that the sacrifice was worth it because they became a part of you- you and your well- being.
I am. I have been a vegetarian for 2 years. I quit eating meat because of the way animals are treated on factory farms. It is a boycott on the meat industry.
i've been vegetarian for almost 4 years.
i started off doing it because it seemed cruel and just plain weird to eat the flesh of another being.
i researched it and added to that reason the absolute cruelty of the raising and killing process to gain meat.
environmental issues also came into it; raising livestock degrades the land and also means chopping down lots of trees for the grazing land.
also the waste of resources. livestock need HEAPS of grain to produce the little meat humans get from it. the worlds population could all be fed if we ate the grain that is given to the animals to raise them for meat. by taking out the middle man (the cow or whatever), there's so much more grain for everyone to consume. also, i live in a country that is drought-ridden, and raising animals for meat is really wasteful of water supply. you save more water by not eating 500g of beef than if you didn't shower for a whole year.
it is healthier to be vegetarian. and we were not built to eat meat. for instance, people suffer from hardening of the arteries because of the amount of cholesterol we eat. however, meat-eating animals NEVER get hardened arteries, even if they eat 100times as much cholesterol as we do.
I am a vegetarian for several years. I get plenty of protien from nuts, milk, beans, and whey.
I don't do it for animal rights, actually I don't really care for animals. I mostly do it because it is an easier way to live especially at home. I don't have to worry about spoiled meat, or cooking it. Throwing some veggies and beans in a bowl is much quicker and if I don't consume it before it goes bad the smell won't knock you over when you open the fridge.
The question then becomes how far do you take that? Will you wear leather? Silk? Do you buy gas---it came from an animal a long long time ago.
If you do it for health reasons that is more logical since even National Geographic November 2005 study said that vegetarians live longer, healthier lives.
Just watch your iron and protein intake and if necessary take supplements
The main reasons not to kill animals but you are also helping the environment in the process. I also think that most vegetarians are more spiritually evolved then meat eaters no matter what theri faith is. It is showing you have respect for and honor life.