What is the easiest way to make tofu?!
What is the easiest way to make tofu?
I want to make tofu at home. Is there any products or machines that can help?
Ask Tofu Jesus!
This Soylove? comes with 20 bags of coagulator which are used to make Tofu.
The easiest way to make tofu is to use say flour! No machines etc needed at all. Bob's Red Mill brand of soy flour usually has directions on the package and it's not hard at all. Soy flour, water and coagulant and done.
If you want to make 'real' tofu I'd suggest getting the book "The new Farm Vegetarian Cookbook" or "Tofu Cookery"! The first is more general purpose and has remained my favorite cookbook for over 20 years. The second is newer and goes into more things to *do* with tofu.
The machines are overpriced *garbage*!! They 'waste' the beans by producing less 'milk' than traditional methods and the quality obtained is poor.
I just realized 'who you are'