How does fruits go bad?!
How does fruits go bad?
from bacteria
well tehre is bacteria that starts decomposing them
When you don't like it for some reasons : maybe it wasn't your favorite, or it wasn't taste the way you deserved.
like all other food air,light and moisture..
Fruits produce chemicals (hormones) that cause the ripening and smells that will attract animals to eat them and spread the seeds. The spoilage of the fruit is more of an overripening than a spoilage.
three things make the fruit bad.
1) physical - cutting, crushing, or similar damage
2) chemical - enzymes activation
3) Biological - micro orgainisms
1) physical - if u cruch a fruit u can't use the fruit only juice mind
2) chemical - if u cut apples, it will turn brown. bcoz of a proteolytic enzyme change the color when it reacts with oxygen
3)Biological - If u keep the milk, it will turn as curd. its also a spoilage due to microbes.
did i explain well?