Can anyone give me a good source for videos of animal butchering for meat?!
Can anyone give me a good source for videos of animal butchering for meat?
Preferably, it needs to be free. Thanks for your help!!!
Additional Details7 months ago
Why do I want to see that? I'm trying to show some people I know the cruelty an animal has to go through to make it to their plate...
7 months ago
Why do I want to see that? I'm trying to show some people I know the cruelty an animal has to go through to make it to their plate...
Hi Byron. You could also check out a book called 'Fast food Nation' by Eric Shlosser it tells what happens in a TYPICAL slaughterhouse. It's grim stuff and I'm glad I'm a veggie!! You might be able to get this book (ok not free but) cheaply on E-bay or Amazon or borrow it from your local library.
Andy B you are deluded, son!!! You should take a trip to your local slaughterhouse. The animals are not given an idyllic send off you know! If you still want to eat meat after spending a day wading around in blood, offal and faeces, we will applaud you!!
Thats awful!!! Why would you want to see somehting like that??
You really need to see "Supersize Me". Great film!
Check out,but only if you have a very strong stomach
You'll see some pretty horrible undercover video here.
I heard amazing things about this video.
Maybe you can find it at a public library or go to your city vegetarian association. Maybe they can lend you such material for free.
Oh for heavens sake, do you realise that the instances and practises shown on that are not only a tiny minority, but illegal, and certainly do not represent of the industry as a whole? On the whole the deaths the animals have are, as dictated by law, quick and/or painless.
Or do you know that but you want to force your beliefs down other peoples throats anyway?
check out the PETA website, sometimes you get things free
PETA has a "Meet your Meat" DVD free for the asking. I believe you can make as many copies as you want. It may even be downloadable/burnable by now. Look around on their website. Also, the best place for pamphlets is They will send you some for free, but it's always good to give a donation when you can. They are far and away the best animal advocates around (and the most sane and logical). Best of luck.
If you do a search there are some pics on how some people in Korea butcher and eat dogs - it's pathetic and the dogs look sooooooo confused and terrified.
As well as PETA, has some pics/clips.