Does any one but me think that it is wrong to be a vegetarian?!
Does any one but me think that it is wrong to be a vegetarian?
if you're not eating the meat put in front of you, that just means that this animal died for nothing.
Yes, exactly. Okay, I understand that if you had to kill the animal then it, you won't eat it. But, if the animal is already dead, I see no point in not eating it. It's already dead.
The vegetarian probably thinks it was wrong to kill the animal in the first place. I think it's just a choice, and there's nothing wrong with other people making different choices.
Vegetarians would never have meat on their plate to begin with.. obviously really don't understand the whole vegan thing b.c some vegans eat fish or chicken....ummm isn't that meat b.c the last time I checked it was
do you own any leather products
I am all for eating meat. I love animals and all, but I think there is a reason that cow and pig taste so scrumptious. I think vegetarians are very picky, but if they dont want any meat..more for us!
No im not a veg but i dont think it's wrong its more of a life choice.
I don't know whether it's right or wrong..I think it's wrong NOT to eat the food/animals that God 'made', if that's what he intended it to be used for, but I also think it's so wrong to kill animals in order to eat. I still have mixed feelings about it.
Yes I agree is a sin to not eat meat. Those people should be in prison serving life to death to possibly meat.
Theoretically, fewer people eating meat or wearing fur means fewer animals killed. But vegetarians are a tiny minority with little overall impact.
What's WRONG is vegetarians who are so full of righteous indignation that they annoy the piss out of everyone else at the dinner table. It's RUDE to preach during the meal. Live and let live. I won't hold you down and shove a McNugget down your throat if you don't harrangue me about my nice, juicy steak!
Maybe it's a waste for that animal, but if everyone in the world refused to eat meat, eventually, they would stop raising animals and killing them for meat because there would be no money in it.
Also, it's a political statement to refuse to eat what's put in front of you. Food is sustenance, it's LIFE, and you'd rather die than eat in order to make a statement (like with hunger strikes).
why do vegetarians always think that there way of thinking is wrong?? If you don't like meat don/t feel that cow died for nothing you didn't have the whole dam cow on your plate did you??
i think they reason that if they don't eat meat, then maybe some animal might get spared. of course some do it for strictly health reasons, but i think they care enough about animals to believe that the more people that don't eat meat, the demand for meat will subside, even the slightest and possibly make a difference....
Thats ridiculous!
The animals shouldnt be being tortured until execution day anyway. Its wrong to kill them,its wrong to eat them. There is no reason to eat it. Veggie meats have much higher protien and other vitamins with 0 cholesterol and little or no fat. The first thing the doctor tells you when your dying is"give up the red meat". It unecessary. There are far too many options. Its pure selfishness. Animals are dying for your taste buds. Its not about lettuce and carrots.
It is not wrong to be a vegetarian, but it can have adverse effects on health if sufficient essential amino acids are not ingested. (Not a problem if you eat meat, as meats contain all of the amino acids.) Also, vegetables are not a source of vitamin B-12, which is essential.
it might not be wrong-just unhealthy
I was a vegetarian for 10 years, and your question and reasoning are a little ridiculous but what the hell for a point. If you are a vegetarian I highly doubt you would get to a point where there is an animal ever put on a plate in front of you. I think dietary habits are a personal choice, and no other person should have any input or say on how you want to sustain yourself.
wrong??? How is that affecting you and your life? check the skeleton's in your closet before you judge others, I'm sure you can find something"wrong" your doing.
This is the most ridiculous argument against vegetarianism I have ever seen in my life. I do not have an obligation to consume farmed animals to justify their slaughter. This is like telling a non-drinker that they have an obligation to drink whiskey.
Get a clue - you sorely need one.
The point of the matter is, animals are killed to feed the meat eaters, simple as that. If more people were vegetarians, then fewer animals would be killed. That is the usual reason for people to become vegetarians. A common meat eater's argument is that if people didn't eat meat then animals would multiply uncontrollably or they would die for nothing, but neither are true. Animals are killed to match demand. If people weren't buying/eating meat, it wouldn't be sold and ultimately animals wouldn't be bred to die.
Not really,that animal is already,so there is nothing you can do to save it.By eating meat you are increasing the demand for meat and MORE animals will be killed in the future.I think it is wrong to breed animals unnaturally,fill them hormones,not letting them see the light of day,and taking them away from there mothers at birth just so they can be raised solely for food,I don't eat meat because I don't want to contribute to that.
Anyone that thinks killing another life is justified is fooling themselves....what for amino acids? proteins? You don't need to eat meat to get these nutrients...I personally eat all meat, I'm even going to kill one of my turkey's for x-mas. I know what i am doing is just wrong..but i am a asshole. The people that think because it taste so good it must have been meant for us to eat..mmm If everyone just put themselves in the animals position I am sure you would all be going vegetarian. The asker of this question thinks the animal died for nothing if you don't eat it...Surely this question was just off the top of his head, as it is obvious the animal wouldn't have died in the first place if the meat wasn't purchased or desired...
Veggo's ROCK !!!!!!!
This reminds me of the old story about the guy who killed his parents and then pleaded for the court's mercy because he was an orphan.
If people didn't eat meat, then the animal didn't have to die at all, did it?
I Agree with Paige!!
If we didn't eat meat then the animal wouldn't have been killed in the first place!!!
Same goes for all of the food in the supermarket...flesh or not. We do not choose to kill these animals, we do not want others to kill them....we do not consume them so why are they being killed? Get my point? I am here to protect them and I can say many are alive today because I will not eat one!!!
Maybe if we don't eat the meat then no animals will need to die. Ever think of that?
.i know what you are saying because my brother and his wife are vegetarians and i just dont get it.i think that is kind of wrong too and anyone who disagrees with me can just disagree besides the animal dying for wrong reason just think of all that good food that has meat. shrimp, lobster, chicken, jambalaya, etc.
It's still not going to look any more appetising.
There're loads of vegetarians that don't mind anybody else eating meat -- rather unfortunately, though, those are the quiet ones you don't even know are vegetarian.
And -- I'm searching my memory, and I don't think I can remember having meat "put in front of" me in my entire life. At least not as intended for _my_ consumption. Thoughtful friends and family, I guess.
Why exactly are you posting this question on this board? No one will agree with you. Furthermore, the animals that people eat only die because people kill them