Why are there all these vegans that don't know what to eat?!
Why are there all these vegans that don't know what to eat?
there's people constantly asking what they can eat for holidays etc. you mean to tell me you just go ahead and decide to become vegetarian without first finding out what you CAN eat?
Just plain ole lack of research. People jumping into a lifestyle change to get a flashy stereotype.
Who said that ?
Well, the vegan diet is somewhat restrictive and someone who is new to it had better do some research on how to keep themselves healthy as well as ethically sound. I think that this is a really great place to get some help from others in that situation. I also think that many vegans know what they CAN eat, but it's really nice to be able to share ideas with other people in regards to what different combinations can actually be made with those foods. New recipe ideas are always fun to share no matter what your own personal food guidelines are. I take it you eat meat? Don't you appreciate a new recipe for chicken or pork every once in a while? No matter who you are the same old thing can get boring after a while. That's all.
I personally KNOW what I can eat if you are referring to my question. I was just seeing if anyone out there had any great holiday recipies to share. Even people that are not Vegan ask for recipie ideas.....
I used to eat meat, and when I did I asked for just as many recipes as I do now. It kinda got boring after a while with my only dinner options as either "chicken" or "pork". Nowadays I find that I am forced to be creative with my cooking :)
I don't what the fuss is about. Eat ANY damn thing you want! Do you really think the PETA police will storm your cave and kill you if you somehow break some silly diet rule by mistake? This is just sad...
some may have just become one and are a bit iffy about what to eat. also, they may be looking for new ideas and a broader horizon of choices.
Well the problem lies in focusing on a European diet which as you know is NOT vegan friendly. Even Greek, Italian and Spanish food focus heavily on dairy products, which is OK for vegetarians, not vegans. Vegans should look into Indian, Asian and African cuisine to get some ideas.
All the vegetarians that i have seen are idiots. Why would you give up eating meat for anything in the world. Beef its whats for dinner.
On here I like to ask other people,I have my own unique recipes i like to cook during the holidays but i also like to learn other people's recipes or own ideas.